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Pope Benedict Urges Americans To Vote For Obama


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[b]"Pope Benedict Urges Americans To Vote For Obama"[/b]

I am sure we all all quite certain we would never see this headline in the USA Today, New York Times, or even the Post. At best, it would be on the cover of Mad Magazine, as it is absolutedly preposterous.

But clearly, there are many anti-catholics who think the Pope would do such a thing, and that we (as faithful Catholics) would be obligated, under penalty of excommunication, if we did not submit and voted for Obama.

What methods do you, or would you use, to convince a non-catholic of this? How do you combat this?

I remember Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said that not more than 100 people hate the Catholic Church, but 100,000 hate what they think the Church is. (I am paraphrasing)

So, how do we properly educated our seperated brethern about this with love?

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