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Happy Birthday To Missy And Me!


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[img]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b85/nascar_jessie/missyday.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.wishyoucard.com/assets/cards/hearts/Therese.jpg[/img]

A very happy birthday to you both! :) Hope it's wonderful!

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Missy and Me sounds like a low-budget ripoff of Marley and Me.

Happy birthday to both of you! Have a good time!

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1351778871' post='2502003']
Missy and Me sounds like a low-budget ripoff of Marley and Me.


It could also be taken as a paraphrase of Patty Cake. "...and mark it with an 'M.' Put it in the oven for Missy and Me."

I used to have a friend that shared this birthday too. Her name was Molly.

And to think that the doctor told me that I was due on October 15th. Yeah, I was very late. That's also the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila and I'm a fan of Carmelite saints.

Mom was in labor with me for 30 hours. She went to the hospital and they told her to come back later. She passed out Halloween candy in the mean time. While on the way to the hospital the first time, my dad went through the Hardee's drive through, which is weird because he was and still isn't known to eat their food. :love:

Mom: What are you doing?!

Dad: I'm hungry.

Mom hadn't been up to cooking that night.

Since the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and my head was facing the wrong direction, she had an emergency c-section. The nurse asked mom if she wanted to hold me and since she was under the affects of the gas for making her unconscious for the surgery, she said, "No, put it back." :rotfl2:

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[quote name='tinytherese' timestamp='1351808860' post='2502259']

It could also be taken as a paraphrase of Patty Cake. "...and mark it with an 'M.' Put it in the oven for Missy and Me."

I used to have a friend that shared this birthday too. Her name was Molly.

And to think that the doctor told me that I was due on October 15th. Yeah, I was very late. That's also the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila and I'm a fan of Carmelite saints.

Mom was in labor with me for 30 hours. She went to the hospital and they told her to come back later. She passed out Halloween candy in the mean time. While on the way to the hospital the first time, my dad went through the Hardee's drive through, which is weird because he was and still isn't known to eat their food. :love:

Mom: What are you doing?!

Dad: I'm hungry.

Mom hadn't been up to cooking that night.

Since the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and my head was facing the wrong direction, she had an emergency c-section. The nurse asked mom if she wanted to hold me and since she was under the affects of the gas for making her unconscious for the surgery, she said, "No, put it back." :rotfl2:

You have a beautiful story. :hehe:

I too had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, and apparently it was high-risk. I don't think they did a C-section, but they did something to get me through faster, I think.

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