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Britains National Health System.

Ed Normile

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Unless things change we here in the good old USA will soon enjou our own European style health care system. Afterall who wouldn't want yo get something for free ! The government taking care of me is the way it should be, and think of all the benefits. Here is a neato plan enacted in Britains National Health System to make sure those who do not deserve help do not tax the system so as to deprive those who need the care and are viable to the state. [url="http://www.therightperspective.org/2012/11/01/nhs-pathway-to-death-program-revealed/"]http://www.therightp...ogram-revealed/[/url]

This should be no shock to us liberal voting folks as we as American tax payers already have this same agenda in our HHS plan, those Europeans aint got nuthin' on us!

Its become the norm here in America to feel a certain sense of entitlement to the fruits of anothers produce, hey if someone makes a few million they should be forced to pay for me as I am too stupid or lazy to help myself so I deserve it. Why should I have to pay back a legal loan such as a School Loan any how, they make enough money already.This mentality drives the confiscatory taxes, make them rich SOB's pay for my needs because they probably took advantage of somebody to get that money in the first place so I deserve it.


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Ash Wednesday

I was going to share some thoughts on this as a Yank living in the UK.... but my beer is too strong.

Have a nice day,.

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Im really not sure where people in the states get the info about people with Universal Healthcare in other countries(like canada or the UK) who dont like it, because the vast vast majority of the population in each of these countries likes their system. My dad would have died 2 years ago in the states, instead of 2 weeks ago in canada, and my already broke mum would be paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars of healthcare bills. So i can pretty easily say, the US healthcare system can take itself out back and jump off a cliff.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1352012860' post='2503795']
Im really not sure where people in the states get the info about people with Universal Healthcare in other countries(like canada or the UK) who dont like it, because the vast vast majority of the population in each of these countries likes their system. My dad would have died 2 years ago in the states, instead of 2 weeks ago in canada, and my already broke mum would be paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars of healthcare bills. So i can pretty easily say, the US healthcare system can take itself out back and jump off a cliff.
My wife's family lives in the UK. Almost unanimously they HATE it. I could give you gobs of stories, i'll give you one I learned last night.

My wife's cousin has been having urinary problems for months. Makes appointments at medical clinic. Different medicines. Come back in a month. etc., etc. Not getting better. Demands to see a specialist. Two month wait under the UH.

Option to see a private practicer. Pays 1,500 pounds to see a private specialist. Swollen kidney. Inflammed ureter, inflammed bladder. Not infection. This could be bad. Takes private specialist report and test results to UH and asks to see an in-system specialists and get diagnostic tests in-system. "We already told you, two month to see the specialist. And sorry, we don't accept tests and reports from private sources."

By the way, her Dad, my wife's uncle, dide November 25th, 2012 from bladder cancer that was treated as an infection for two years until they figued out it became inoperable cancer when they did exrays after the pain was so excuciating, he couldn't eat but very little and was being fed via IV his wife (for 3 days) (wife happens to have Parkinsons) because he wasn't unconcious or bleeding so they wouldn't send an ambulance, they'd have to come in themselves. Their daughter and son-in-law traveld from London to the north end of Wales to take him in. (The daughter with the kidney problem now).

I have more real life examples. Like the one about my wife's grandmother. They gave her new heart valves for free 20 years before she died. It would have cost a fortune in the US. The rest of the care in the UK was so bad, my in-laws would fly her here to the US EVERY YEAR for 15+ years so that they could get her healthy enough to travel back to England and hope that she would be healthy enough in nine months to return to the US. A couple of times they had to fly to England to come here with her because she wasn't able to fly here alone. She was always able to fly back. Weird.

Governemnt run free health care. What's not to love?

Edited by Anomaly
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I'm British. I was born disabled and I've also suffered from a life-threatening illness that has a very high relapse rate. I belong to a forum for people with my condition with members from all over the world. All I can say is that I'm extremely thankful that the term 'pre-existing condition' doesn't have the same ominous sound to me that it has for my friends in other places. Whenever I've needed hospital, I've been taken into hospital then and there and given all the treatment I needed, without having to worry if insurance would pay for it or where my family would find the money. A few weeks ago I watched as FutureCarmeliteClaire's insurance refused to pay for her MRI scans, so her MRI date got put back again and again. I can only imagine how anxiety-provoking it must have been to be experiencing strange painful symptoms that could mean anything and not have access to a basic diagnostic test. Whenever I've needed an MRI my specialist has just sent me an appointment letter and I get that MRI.

No, as a system it is not perfect. My dad had to wait six months for non-urgent physiotherapy on his shoulder, and he too considered going private. in some PCTs, certain aspects of medicine (e.g. geriatric stroke care) are very poorly funded compared to others, almost to the point of neglect. It is necessary to fight for improvements, and people have been doing so. But overall people here value the system we have, to point that they are up in arms at the government cuts and there is a huge (and I mean huge) 'Save Our NHS' campaign going on. You can cherry-pick horror stories, but as a disabled person at high risk of relapse into chronic and debilitating illness, I know where I'd rather be.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1352012860' post='2503795']
Im really not sure where people in the states get the info about people with Universal Healthcare in other countries(like canada or the UK) who dont like it, because the vast vast majority of the population in each of these countries likes their system. My dad would have died 2 years ago in the states, instead of 2 weeks ago in canada, and my already broke mum would be paying off hundreds of thousands of dollars of healthcare bills. So i can pretty easily say, the US healthcare system can take itself out back and jump off a cliff.

Jesulol I did not mean to insult you, but this was not my story I gave the link and its just one of thousands of such stories, so don't hate me. . .

By the way your canadian health care system killed my aunt Jackie, and if its so wonderful then why did your Prime Minister fly to Florida, USA to get his heart operated on ? It seems the cold weather dims the memory.


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1352045565' post='2503867']

Jesulol I did not mean to insult you, but this was not my story I gave the link and its just one of thousands of such stories, so don't hate me. . .

By the way your canadian health care system killed my aunt Jackie, and if its so wonderful then why did your Prime Minister fly to Florida, USA to get his heart operated on ? It seems the cold weather dims the memory.


How did it kill your Aunt?

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1352045565' post='2503867']

Jesulol I did not mean to insult you, but this was not my story I gave the link and its just one of thousands of such stories, so don't hate me. . .

By the way your canadian health care system killed my aunt Jackie, and if its so wonderful then why did your Prime Minister fly to Florida, USA to get his heart operated on ? It seems the cold weather dims the memory.

That was the premier of Newfoundland.

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1352046274' post='2503871']

How did it kill your Aunt?

Hasan, I posted the story here over a year ago, I wish I could find the thread for you. In short, she was having her first child and received a blood transfusion during the delivery, her and over 100 others received blood tainted with hepatitus C a perfectly manageable disease which kills the liver. It was discovered 2 years later when she slipped on black ice and cracked her hip at which time if they would have started her on Interferon a drug that would have stopped the damage to her liver she would still be alive. The doctors told my aunt that there was nothing that could be done and she would have to tend to her affairs as it would eventually kill her. She went untreated for 14 years and got more weak and unhealthy until my mother, who she broke contact with as she was depressed an did not want to worry my mom her older sister, finally seen her when she came to my grandfathers funeral in the states. When my mom asked her what was wrong with her, aunt Jackie could barely walk with a lump of over 14 pounds of hardened liver sticking from her side and looking as if she was 30 years older than her 34 years, aunt Jackie explained what the doctors said. My mom told her of the drug and a lady she knew that was receiving it for free as she was a drug addict and had mental issues and no money and applied to one of the many programs out there from the drug producers who will give medication to those who can not afford it and have no insurance, this woman had the disease since the early 80's and was unaffected by it. Upon returning to Canada armed with the news that Interferon would stop the damage she was told that the cost of the medicine was too much to justify spending on the few people infected through the bad blood and they would not provide her with any help.


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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1352049421' post='2503895']
That was the premier of Newfoundland.

Last I looked Nihil, Newfoundland was a province of Canada, I would assume you meant to make light of this thread or have me appear as making up facts by posting such an obvious artful dodge ? I would assume if I posted the American governor Bloomberg went to "x", people would not think I meant he was the governor of the whole country or that I was fabricating my reply.

Just to help those who are in the dark, here is the most liberal interview I could find on this subject.

Hope that helps.


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1352052861' post='2503943']

Last I looked Nihil, Newfoundland was a province of Canada, I would assume you meant to make light of this thread or have me appear as making up facts by posting such an obvious artful dodge ? I would assume if I posted the American governor Bloomberg went to "x", people would not think I meant he was the governor of the whole country or that I was fabricating my reply.

Just to help those who are in the dark, here is the most liberal interview I could find on this subject.

Hope that helps.


You said Prime Minister. That is a far cry from the premier of Newfoundland and Labrador. There are fewer people in Newfoundland and Labrador than there are Tucson. It is a big, important difference. :hehe:

This is my opinion on the American health care system:

[url="http://mises.org/daily/5066/The-Myth-of-FreeMarket-Health-Care"]The Myth of Free Market Healthcare - Mises.org[/url]

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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1352052861' post='2503943']

Last I looked Nihil, Newfoundland was a province of Canada, I would assume you meant to make light of this thread or have me appear as making up facts by posting such an obvious artful dodge ? I would assume if I posted the American governor Bloomberg went to "x", people would not think I meant he was the governor of the whole country or that I was fabricating my reply.

Just to help those who are in the dark, here is the most liberal interview I could find on this subject.

Hope that helps.


Bloomberg is not a governor. He's a mayor. I wouldn't think you were making things up but I would think that you were getting facts completely and utterly wrong.

Prime minister does not equal premier. Mayor does not equal governor.

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[quote name='missionseeker' timestamp='1352053378' post='2503953']
Bloomberg is not a governor. He's a mayor. I wouldn't think you were making things up but I would think that you were getting facts completely and utterly wrong.

Prime minister does not equal premier. Mayor does not equal governor.

Exactly, my point was it was a mistake as I am not familiar with the Canook political system and I assumed most here were smart enough to pick that up by my illustration. I am sure you can agree that at least the premise of my post was factual as a canadian in power had to leave his wonderful health care and come to America for an operation as in his words " my health, my choice"


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