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An Old School Catholic Message Board

For The First Grader I Mentor.


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I'm in a program called PALs at school, which stands for Peer Assistance and Leadership. Basically what we do is we train to go to elementary and middle schools to mentor at-risk kids and be positive role models in their lives. We also go to the school for students with special needs and be their friends and hang out with them, since they have conditions that inhibit them to be in a regular school environment.

Well the first grader that I mentor told me some things that are alarming for a child of her age to go through. I don't want to break confidentiality of the situation over the internet and reveal the details, but I will say that she needs some serious prayers.

I have already reported the situation to my PAL supervisor who is taking care of it through the elementary school's counselor and the legal authorities.

Pray for her safety and well-being. It's something that no one should go through.

Thanks Pham.

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