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Self-identification And Ethnic Participation


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How much of being part of an ethnic group comes from how you see yourself and how much comes from the external things of being part of it? Assume the presence of partial heritage in that group.

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I was once asked what it felt like to be a minority in the USA. (The girl who asked me was white, and had recently returned from Indonesia where she was conducting some research. She said that it was the first time that she faced negative racial stereotypes and all the other garbage that comes with being a minority.) I really didn't know how to answer, because I have nothing to compare it to.

The same thing goes with ethnicity & self-identification. I can't really separate out what part comes from where, because I have no other experience as a reference. I'm not quite 100% of anything (except female & Catholic).

Edited by Adrestia
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I don't look like part of my heritage, I didn't grow up around many I was not related to, and I used to think like I was A and B and my parent was also C. Now I have experience and greater participation with group C, which is my heritage despite my looks, I do not speak the language, is important to me, I completely fit in, but it is part of my life. It is an ethnic (cultural) minority though not a racial minority.

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The only story I have us that my oldest foster son was German ethnically, but all his tattoos are Irish. I'm Irish so I'm assuming that had something to do with it.

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My family only really identifies as white. We came over so long ago we barely have any idea where we came from (mostly England, some Scotland, Ireland, etc). I feel so connection to be ing English because of things I like, but none of that really came from my family.

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