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Sacrarium Drainage

Mark of the Cross

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Mark of the Cross

Our sacrarium is connected to the storm water drain. Storm water drains also carry rubbish from the streets to the waterways. Should the sacrarium be drained to the garden?

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When there has been some mishap with the Blessed Sacrament, when perhaps liquid that was dissolved Hosts must be disposed of, when linens must be cleaned, when holy water or water blessed for Mass must be disposed of, it should go directly into the ground. That is why ever sacristy should have a [i]sacrarium[/i], a kind of sink with [b][u]its pipe going into the earth rather than into a sewer[/u][/b].

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I helped as sacristan once for a missionary priest. He kind of barnstormed. We used a large stainless steel basin to clean things in, and emptied it when done on to the ground. We usually picked the base of a tree or flower bed where people wouldn't walk. Years later, when the sacrarium at our parish had to be reworked because the drainage field had silted up, we basically did the same thing.

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