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The Judeo / Christian Star Of David And The Bible

Judas Maccabaeus

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Judas Maccabaeus

[i]The magi's coming to Jerusalem in order to pay homage to the king of the Jews shows that they seek in Israel, in the messianic light of the [b]STAR OF DAVID, [/b]the one who will be king of the nations. Their coming means that pagans can discover Jesus and worship him as Son of God and Savior of the world only by turning towards the Jews and receiving from them the messianic promise as contained in the Old Testament.[/i]

- Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church


Just about every God-fearing reader of the Bible knows the basic symbolism behind the Star of David which is composed of two opposite-pointing intersecting equilateral triangles perfectly placed on top of each other to create a completely symmetrical six-pointed star. Indeed, even the very name of this geometrical form has a coherent meaning to it, as man throughout the ages has noticed the way the stars and even the sun will sometimes sparkle (or twinkle), thus appearing to have six-points to them, even though they are still obviously round, circular dots in the sky.


One need not be a believer in Judaism to understand how this symbol provides one of most simple, yet comprehensible, ikons used to represent such concepts as Heaven and Earth, God and Man, Soul and Body, Material and Spiritual, Mountain and Valley, etc. Throughout the Middle Ages, many a Christian Gentile, especially the more learned among them, understand this symbol as, not only representing a unity of opposites, such as the elements of Earth and Air, or Water and Fire, but also as an expression of complementary concepts, much like the ebony and ivory keys to a piano which, when played correctly and by using the correct combinations, was capable of creating something beautiful- like the Latin Mass at its finest and most profound.


Historically speaking, the Catholic Church wasn't very prone to call the hexagram the Star of David (or Magen David in Hebrew). In fact, for several centuries before the modern term 'Star of David' ever became part of everyday vocabulary, and long before this symbol ever became specifically Jewish, the Church preferred to refer to the hexagram as the Star of Creation, or the Creator's Star. Now the obvious question that might come to readers' minds is why on earth did the Christian authorities ever refer to this symbol in such a manner. The Star of Creation? Whatever does that mean?

[i]The six-pointed star is the Creator's Star or Star of Creation. Its six points stand for the six days of creation. [/i]

- Christianity/symbols/6-point star, ReligionFacts.com

The easy answer is to simply point out that God's Creation includes both the Heavens and the Earth, Mountains and Valleys, Clouds and Seas, Volcanoes and Tornadoes, so the symbolic representation of BOTH distinctly different items placed together would of course signify the reality that Creation is filled with a diverse array of BOTH phenomenon- not to mention the fact that every snowflake is basically a Star of David, in one form or another.


All of this is true of course, but it doesn't really truly answer the question completely. Why not call it the God's Star, rather than the Creator's Star? Obviously, there must be a reason behind this particular designation and the following analysis of the Creation story in the 1st Chapter of Genesis (Genesis 1:1-27) is a humble attempt to explain the reasons why-

[i][b]The Star of David [/b]seems to nest itself in the beginning of the Bible...[/i]

- The Star of David, by Frank Colijn, Members.home.nl


(1) [b][i]In the beginning God created the Heavens AND the Earth. [/i][/b]

/ The Heavens= Up Triangle --> 'God created the Heavens'
= The Earth= Down Triangle --> 'God created...the Earth.'
+ God's Creation= Star of David --> 'God created the Heavens AND the Earth.'



(2) [b][i]T[i]he earth was formless and void, and darkness was OVER the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of [/i]God was moving OVER the surface of the waters.[/i][/b]

/ Darkness= Up Triangle
= The Deep= Down Triangle
+ Darkness OVER the Deep= Star of David --> 'darkness was OVER the surface of the deep'

/ Spirit of God= Up Triangle
= The Waters= Down Triangle
+ Spirit of God OVER the Waters= Star of David --> 'the Spirit of God was moving OVER the surface of the waters.'

(4) [b][i]God saw that the light was good, and God SEPARATED the light from the darkness. (5) God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.[/i][/b]

+ 24-Hour Cycle= Star of David --> 'God SEPARATED the light from the darkness'
/ The Light, Day= Up (or Down) Triangle --> God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.
= The Darkness, Night= Down (or Up) Triangle --> 'and the darkness He called night.'

(7) [b][i]God made the expanse, and SEPARATED the waters which were BELOW the expanse from the waters which were ABOVE the expanse, and it was so. [/i][/b]

+ The Waters= Star of David --> 'separated the waters'
= The Waters BELOW= Down Triangle --> 'the waters which were BELOW the expanse from'
/ The Waters ABOVE= Up Triangle --> 'the waters which were ABOVE the expanse'



(9) [b][i]Then God said, 'Let the waters BELOW the Heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear', and it was so. (10) God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering of the waters He called Seas, and God saw that it was good. [/i][/b]

= The Seas= Down Triangle --> 'Let the waters BELOW the Heavens be gathered into one place'
/ The Earth= Up Triangle --> 'and let the dry land appear'
+ Planet Earth= Star of David --> 'and God saw that it was good.'

(16) [b][i]God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night.[/i][/b]

+ 'Two great lights'= Star of David
/ Sun, the Greater Light= Up Triangle
= Moon, the Lesser Light= Down Triangle

(20) [b][i]Then God said, 'Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly ABOVE the earth in the open expanse of the Heavens.' [/i][/b]

= The Fish= Down Triangle - 'the waters bring forth'
/ The Birds= Up Triangle - 'fly ABOVE the earth'
+ Wildlife= Star of David

(26) [b][i]Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule OVER the fish of the sea and OVER the birds of the sky and OVER the cattle and over all the earth, and OVER every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.' [/i][/b]

/ God= Up Triangle --> 'Let Us make man'
= Man= Down Triangle --> 'Our image'
+ God's rule OVER Man= Star of David

/ Man= Up Triangle 'rule OVER the fish' and 'OVER the birds' and 'OVER the cattle'
= Animals= Down Triangle
+ Man's rule OVER Animals= Star of David

(27) [b][i]God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. [/i][/b]

/ God= Up Triangle
= Image of God= Down Triangle
+ Creation of Man= Star of David --> 'He created him'

/ Male= Up (or Down) Triangle
= Female= Down (or Up) Triangle
+ Creation of Mankind= Star of David --> 'He created them'

This simple, basic analysis provides one of best ways in explaining the ultimate reason why the Catholic Church, while acknowledging the hexagram as a legitimate family seal for the House of David (including Jesus Chris), has still tended, for literally hundreds of years, to refer to the Star of David as the Star of Creation. Considering the inherent common sense seen in the above interpretation of the Creation story in Genesis 1, it should be fairly easy to understand why.

Agree? Disagree? Hate, Love? Like, Dislike? All of the Above?



[u][size=5]Relevant Quotes and References[/size][/u]

[i]The Star of David seems to nest itself in the beginning of the bible...Therefore it's the question if Moses was aware of the fact that when he wrote down the bible text, he also wrote down the mathematical laws of the hexagram...for with the creation of Heaven and Earth appear also the Laws of Nature and of course the mathematical Laws too.[/i]

- The Star of David., by Frank Colijn, Members.home.nl

[i]The star of David is an ancient Jewish symbol filled with significance. The two triangles that make up the star of David depict the two...forces in this world...Heaven and Earth, body and soul, and more.[/i]

- Star of David, baltinesterjewelry.com

[i]The thought of Heaven and Earth sharing one dimension brought a scripture to mind. Jesus taught them to pray “in earth as it is in heaven”. I was instantly impressed with the knowledge that somewhere on the earth there must be an exact duplicate of this pattern. This pattern is not new, some of the names for this fusion [are]...'Seal of Solomon' and the Star of David'. No matter what the symbol is called, or whether it stands for the union of...God and man, it is the power of a balanced collective consciousness.[/i]


STAR OF DAVID: [i]The Star of David or the Creator's Star. The six points represent six aspects of God: love, mercy, wisdom, majesty, power, and justice. In this form, the two triangles represent the Trinity.[/i]

- Star of David, Christian Symbols, Ezartsncrafts.com

THE STAR OF CREATION (Star of David) - [i]The six-pointed star is several symbols in one. The star is made up of two triangles, each representing the Trinity. The six-sided star they form is a symbol of creation. Thus the symbol means that the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, were all a part of the creation of the world.[/i]

- The Star of Creation, ChristianSymbols.net

Six-pointed Star: [i]Route six corners correspond to the six days of creation. These are also the six attributes of God: love, power, wisdom, mercy, justice and majesty. It is also known as Star of David in Judaism. Six-pointed star - a Christian symbol[/i]

- Christianity, Religious Symbols and their Meanings, Relijournal.com

[i]Six pointed stars symbolize Israel and is called the Star of David. It represents the six attributes of God - power, wisdom, majesty, love, mercy and justice.[/i]

- Stars as Christian Symbols, Catholic-Saints.info

Six Pointed Star: [i]Star of Creation, Star of David. Although ancient and symbolizing the six days of creation, best known in modern times as a symbol of Judaism.[/i]

- Christian Symbols, Symbols, Gocek.org

Six-Pointed Star: [i]Stars with six points have a deep ancient history that has been connected to many other religions with a range of meanings. In regards to Christianity, the star with six points is known as the Creator's Star (or the Star of Creation). Each of the points represents the six days of creation, and is also representative of six attributes associated with God;- love, mercy, power, wisdom, majesty, and justice. The six-pointed star is also a symbol of Judaism in modern-day Israel, which is called the Star of David.[/i]

- Symbolism of Stars in Christianity, by Yona Williams, Unexplainable.net

Edited by Judas Maccabaeus
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There are also ancient symbols of the Star of David as having eight points. The traditional depiction of the ancient Tower of David employs an eight-pointed Star of David. interestingly, all of the ancient-traditional icons of Our Lady depict her with an eight-pointed star. Eight, of course, representing spiritual life/reality beyond the temporal realm of seven days (a week).

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