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Update On Cousin's Condition


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Thank you for all your prayers! I received word that the oncologist discovered the tumor is malignant Stage 2 or 3 cancer in my cousin's brain. The tumor is pressing down on her speech center in her brain. The doctor is preparing to operate on my cousin either Tuesday or Wednesday but he cannot guarantee that he will be able to remove the entire tumor. It's the size of a tennis ball. The doctor said it doesn't appear to have metastasized yet, which is good news. All of us are in shock -- especially my aunt -- because of her age (25) and the fact that the symptoms showed themselves suddenly. PLEASE pray for her healing. If it's God's will that she not be cured, then so be it -- may His will be done -- but I keep hoping for a miracle. The most important thing is that she is taking everything as it comes. My aunt said that she was more upset than my cousin. I brought my 1-decade rosary with me today while shopping to pray frequently.

Edited by MaterMisericordiae
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