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Christ The Bridegroom Monastery


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LOVE the name of this monastery... :love:  And yes, there are a few other Eastern rite Discalced Carmels in Europe/&Asia :like:

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It's Byzantine Catholic :) they just started a while ago! They sound really good... does anyone know about them? :)



Yes. They are MINE. Back off.


Mother Theodora was a friend of my mom's in their younger years. They are a wonderful community and, well, you just gotta love 'em. The bishop who helped them get started is AMESOME. They're just altogether amazing. They do all sorts of cool stuff with the youth and stuff.


Did I mention that they're MY nuns? If you join them, you'll be one of my nuns too! :D

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Oh my gosh. They're in my backyard! I mean, not right now, I'm in France, but usually I'm in, well, near there. And what a beautiful part of the state. And most of the neighbors are Amish. :)

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