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Phatmass Advent Novena - Day 1 - Dec 7, 2012


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December 7 through December 15, 2012


Day 1 - December 7


Here comes the Baby Jesus!








All PHATMassers with the First Initial of A - C in their screen names


Pray for their intentions!





Each day you will find a video link to help you pray and enter into the Season more fully. Use them if you find them helpful.


The Irish Dominicans - Reason for the Season - Advent






Spend a few moments in prayer just remembering Who is coming…. and thinking about what YOU want/need to do to prepare for Him!



Reflections on the Incarnation….


A poetic rosary for the Advent and Christmas seasons taken from St. John of the Cross' The Romances - on the Gospel In Principio erat Verbum, (Regarding the Most Blessed Trinity) and the Holy Scriptures


(Collected works of St. John of the Cross, Trans. Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD, ICS Publications, 1991)




In the Beginning…




In the beginning the Word was

He lived in God /

And possessed in Him

His infinite Happiness..

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 1:1



That Same Word was God,

Who is the Beginning; /

He was in the beginning

And had no beginning

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 1: 2



He was himself the Beginning

And therefore had no beginning, /

The Word is called Son

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 1: 3a



He was born of the Beginning

Who had always conceived Him

And was always conceiving Him /

Giving of His substance always

Yet always possessing it;

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 1: 3b-4



And thus the glory of the Son

Was the Father's glory /

And the Father possessed

All his glory in the Son

.......... .........John of the Cross, Romances, 1: 5



As the lover in the Beloved

Each lived in the other, /

And the Love that unites them

Is one with them

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 1: 6



Their equal, excellent as the One

and the Other; /

Three persons and one Beloved

Among all three.

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 1: 7



In the beginning was the Word,

and the Word was with God, /

and the Word was God

....................John 1:1a



What came to be through him was life, /

and this life was the light of the human race;

....................John 1:3b-4



The light shines in the darkness, /

and the darkness has not overcome it.

....................John 1:5


A Virtue to develop for today: DETACHMENT & POVERTY


All of us have WAY too much stuff…. And way too little room for Him in our hearts.

Part of Advent is making time and space to prepare for Jesus.



A practical way to work on these virtues….


* Select one or more of your own items to give away in the next day or two.

* Give the item(s) away as as a reminder of how much our Lord gave up in becoming one of us.

* Consciously choose to make space for Him in your world over the coming days.




And because this, too, is part of preparing for the coming of Jesus….




The Original Grinch Song



Dr. Seuss: How the Grinch Stole Christmas








May the Virgin and her Loving Child bless all of us!!!!

Edited by AnneLine
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Anne, this is perfect timing for the novena. I'll be sure to return to it later and really pray. Thank you so much! (If you want context, look at my request in the Prayer Room. And my name (real and screen) even starts with C!)  :saint2:


Edit: I just realized, I even just found a perfect picture of the baby Jesus! Wow! And again, thanks, Anne!

Edited by Christina Thérèse
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Glad you are enjoying it.   


You can thank the Aspirants, Novices and temporary Professed  members of my Secular Order community as much as me, as they have helped develop this over the last few years. 


And... Please do keep me and my fellow secular order members in your prayers today; we have our December meeting tonight AND one of our Aspirants will be received as a Novice tonight during Evening Prayer!  She's in her late 70's!!! 


That means we have in our Novitiate:  two remaining aspirants, one brand new novice, two temporarily professed and two definitively professed who are finishing up the last bit of their initial formation this year..... so we have a busy novitiate!!!!  


Holding all of you in prayer, especially those in the A-C Group!!! 



Edited by AnneLine
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This is so wonderful AnneLine! Thanks so much! Many props to you :saint2: ! Prayers coming your way! For my intentions, I really pray to end the sickness going around at my home, especially for my mom, who for Christmas last year got pneumonia.

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I just returned to pray. Thanks bunches to you and the novitiate for this and thanks for sharing it with us! I'll try to remember to pray for your soon-to-be novice tonight, along with the rest of you.

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