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Phatmass Advent Novena - Day 9 - Dec 15-16, 2012


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December 7 through December 15, 2012


Day 9 - December 15-16


Here comes the Baby Jesus!










Today we pray for dUSt, all Moderators and Regulators, and all those who have served us this way in 2012. 


God reward you for all you do for us!!!!


Pray for their intentions!





Each day you will find a video link to help you pray and enter into the Season more fully. Use them if you find them helpful.



Today there are two!



Advent Conspiracy... Worship Fully





Advent Conspiracy... Love All






(if you like these, there are a number of other topics in the
'Advent Conspiracy' series.... just check youtube....)






Spend a few moments in prayer just remembering Who is coming…. and thinking about what YOU want/need to do to prepare for Him!



Reflections on the Incarnation….


A poetic rosary for the Advent and Christmas seasons taken from St. John of the Cross'

The Romances - on the Gospel In Principio erat Verbum, (Regarding the Most Blessed Trinity)

and the Holy Scriptures


(Collected works of St. John of the Cross, Trans. Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD and Otilio Rodriguez, OCD, ICS Publications, 1991)



(Today there are TWO sets of 'mysteries' to complete the ten 'reflections' in the Romances...)





9...............And the Word Was Made Flesh




Then he called
The archangel Gabriel /
And sent him to
The virgin Mary

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 8:1



At whose consent
The mystery was wrought, /
In whom the Trinity
Clothed the Word with flesh,

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 8:2




And though three work this, /
It is wrought in the One

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 8:3a




And the Word lived incarnate /
In the womb of Mary.

....................John of the Cross, Romances, 8:3b




Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you, /
before you were born
I dedicated you...

...................Jeremiah 1:5a




"Speak, LORD, /

for your servant is listening..."


...................1 Samuel 3:10b




And Mary said,

"Behold, I am the

handmaid of the Lord. /

May it be done to me

According to your Word."


...................Luke 1:38




And He who had only a Father /
Now had a Mother too.

...................John of the Cross, Romances, 8:4a




But she was not like the others /

Who conceive by man


...................John of the Cross, Romances, 8:4b




From her own flesh

He received his flesh, /

So He is called

Son of God and of Man


...................John of the Cross, Romances, 8:5






10...............And Dwelt Amongst Us






When the time had come
For Him to be born /
He went forth like the bridegroom
From his bridal chamber,


...................John of the Cross, Romances, 9:1




Embracing His bride,
Holding her in His arms /
Whom the gracious Mother
Laid in a manger


...................John of the Cross, Romances, 9:2




Among some animals
That were there at that time /
Men sang songs
And angels melodies


...................John of the Cross, Romances, 9:3




Celebrating the marriage
Of Two such as these,
But God there in the manger
Cried and moaned; /
And these tears were jewels
The bride brought to the wedding.


...................John of the Cross, Romances, 9:4-5a




Now there were shepherds in that region /
living in the fields and
keeping the night watch over their flock


...................Luke 2:8




The angel of the Lord appeared to them /
and the glory of the Lord shone around them...


...................Luke 2:9




"Do not be afraid; for behold,
I proclaim to you good news of great
joy that will be for all the people. /
A savior has been born for you
who is Messiah and Lord


...................Luke 2:10




So they went in haste
And found Mary and Joseph and the Infant
lying in the manger. /
When they saw this, they made known the message
that had been told them about this child.


...................Luke 2:16-17




The Mother gazed in sheer wonder
On such an exchange:
In God, man's weeping
And in man, gladness, /
To the one and the other
things usually so strange.


...................John of the Cross, Romances, 9:6




And Mary kept all these things, /
reflecting on them in her heart.


...................Luke 2:19








A Virtue to develop for today: LOVE

God's love is mysterious.  We cannot imagine the depth and breadth of love that God has for humanity.... and for each one of us individually.  When we find it hard to love, we need only to ask for a share in the love of the Trinity... and watch our own puny attempts be transformed in power, and yes, in joy!
May the One who is Love find a place in our hearts this Christmas as we continue to make room for God and all God's children in our world this year, and in the years to come.



A practical way to work on these virtues….

* As you continue your Christmas preparations, remember that you are preparing for the coming of the Lord of Love in your own heart... and in the hearts of each and every person you meet.
*  Resist the temptation to be overly busy this year in your Christmas Preparations.
*  Remember the One for whom you prepare is Christ the Lord.
*  Serve Christ in one another.

And, because this, too, is part of preparing for the coming of Jesus....


In honor of the One who came in Silence to transform our world...
(If the video is acting oddly.. .just cut & paste into a new browser window....)
May you and yours have a blessed
and God-filled Christmas!



May the Virgin and her Loving Child bless all of us!!!!



Edited by AnneLine
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