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Concealed Carry Confronted Portland Shooter


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Maybe I just have a hard time understanding why someone would need a concealed carry permit, especially in a place like Lake Oswego where the Clackamas Town Center shooting took place.  

There were around 15,000 murders and 188,000 rapes in the US in 2010.  In Oregon, there were 96 murders, 9,600 violent assaults, and 2,400 reported rapes.  Which of those 12,000 people did not have the right to defend themselves?




There were around 11,000 alchohol impaired driving fatalities in 2009, which is 32% of the 35,000 vehicular fatalities.  We have laws restricting alchohol and driving.  Speed limits, mandatory seat belts, child safety seats, air bags, and spend billions on traffic safety.    There are around 250,000,000 passenger cars on US roads.  We let 16 year olds literally hurl a ton of steel on roads shared with infants and ederly.



About 11,000 deaths were from firearms.  No distinction was made if it was defensive or attacking deaths.  People are more than 3 times likely to die by vehicle, just as likely to die from a drunk driver.



We keep cars because they're convenient.  We keep guns because they are useful.  Both can kill if misused.



People are very adept at willingly breaking the law.  There are already over 200,000,000 (2 hundred million) guns already legally owned in the US and it is estimated more than 25% of US households own guns.  How do you suppose a law will but that genie back in the bottle?

Edited by Anomaly
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By their very nature, we never know when we will be thrown into an emergency, potentially life or death situation. We can either hope things will go ok, or we can take steps now, while we are safe, to be prepared for when we are not. There are many many things we can do in order to avoid, de-escalate, or respond to dangerous situations, and carrying a weapon is one of them. Not the only one. Not the most important one. But still important.

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Actually there are all sorts of stories where concealed carry has prevented crimes.  From my personal experience some idiot tried to carjack a woman right under my bedroom window. (I did not live in a high crime area) She had a gun and surprise!  He was out of there.  Police got him.  


If I remember correctly there was someone with a gun in AZ when the congresswoman and others were shot.  That person helped end the rampage. 


There was the restaurant in TX that some guy came in and started shooting people.  That ended when someone shot the gunman. 


I support concealed carry.  I do not own a gun.  My neighborhood is going down fast. I am getting close to buying one and when I do, I will apply for my permit.

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I despise concealed carry permits. I find it repugnant to pay for permission to carry a means of self defense.


No need for a concealed carry permit in Alaska.



Our state offers permits, but only so that Alaska residents can get a permit locally and concealed carry in other states where a permit is required.

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No need for a concealed carry permit in Alaska.



Our state offers permits, but only so that Alaska residents can get a permit locally and concealed carry in other states where a permit is required.


No doubt everyone in Alaska will shortly by murdered, because you can only trust people with guns if they wear costumes.

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One example of a concealed carry somewhat helping in a tragic situation where people still died isn't enough to alter my generally negative opinion of concealed carry laws. 


Emotional responses never solve anything either.

 Maybe some real evidence coudl sway your view, then again most people who rely on emotion completely overlook teh facts.


This analysis of 32 mass shootings shows that when the shooter is stopped by “civilians” (non-police) at the scene the death toll is lower than those cases where the shooter was stopped by police intervention. The statistics indicate that when civilians fight back, even unarmed, the attack is stopped with an average of 2.33 deaths. In those cases where the murders continue until the killer is stopped by the police, the average death toll is 14.29 people. This shows how a quick response by people on the scene saves lives.


I guess you could just wait until the police show up. On a side note in Israel all teachers from kindergarten up to college are armed in the classroom, when was the last time you heard of a school shooting in Israel, a country surrounded with terrorists looking to kill every one of them not just random nutcases.



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