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Therese's Letters To Her Sister Celine


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For the past little while I've been prompted many a time to look to Celine Martin as a special patroness/friend/help in waiting to enter religious life but I kept putting off getting to know her better because she had a concrete reason to wait, caring for their father, and I feel like I have no reason. 
Tonight I finally decided to google her and I found these letters that Therese wrote to her. The first few spoke very strongly to me so I thought I'd share for those of you who may be struggling with the same thing. http://www.pathsoflove.com/pdf/ThereseLetters.pdf

JMJ+ :heart: 

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Thank you very much indeed, C7, for posting a link to these letters, roughly 30 pages if printed. 

Very often, the Letters of the saints do expand on their spirituality and concepts in more detail than anywhere else.

I must confess that St Therese is my dear patron and I value her on a pedestal including her Little Way, but I do find it difficult at times to get beyond the language that she does use which to me is the intimate personal language between lover and beloved and not for publication.  St Therese lived in a different country, culture and age.  The way I have been able to get beyond her types of expression or mode of communication to what she is actually stating is that at the time she wrote, she had no idea that her writings would see international public light - and it is indeed insight into an intimate relationship of passionate love between lover and her beloved.

Those that do find the same difficulty as I do and reject the writings of St Therese because of it just don't realize what an incredible person Therese is and this includes all her spiritual concepts.  Such persons are rejecting St Therese solely due to surface appearance or her 'mode of expression' and not getting beyond what might appear to what actually is, the reality of matters - to my mind.

Edited by BarbaraTherese
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Sister Rose Therese

Thanks for posting these links.

Some of my favorite words of St. Therese are from her last conversations.

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I love St Theres's Little Way and am of the opinion that the whole of the Martin family will be cannonized someday.  If you ever want a good read, find the book The Story of a Family.


Edited because I forget to use articles like I should. 


My love for that Little Way is one of the reasons that I thought I would be a Carmelite someday.  Ah, well. 

Edited by Eowyn
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