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Prayers For Baby Leo - A Novena For Healing


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Hi, Pham,


Some of you  may know that ArcheologyCat's son, Leo, has not been well.  He has been battling gallstones--very unusual in a little baby. 


A few days back, she posted this prayer request for him on the Prayer Board.  It shows some of the details...




After checking with her, I am suggesting that the Phamily pray a novena for Leo, and ask the intercession of St. Therese's parents, Bls. Louis and Zelie Martin.  (As some of you may know, they had nine children, and four of them died in infancy.  I am sure they would be very open to helping Leo and his parents....)


Our prayer request would be for Leo's healing, if that be God's will... or for the graces Leo and his family and doctors will need to help him in coming months if he will be continuing to deal with this illness.


I will get the first 'day' of the novena up later tonight or in the morning.  I'm planning to include a little info about St. Therese' parents each day as well as a prayer suggestion.  If you want to do more you can also choose to add something else to our community prayers.


Holding all of you in my prayers as well!!!!


I am sure it will be a consolation to ArcheologyCat and her family if you post your willingness to take part in the novena....



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Archaeology cat

I cannot tell you how much this means to me. Fighting back tears here. He has his labs tomorrow, and follow-up with the specialist next Friday. Thank you for the prayers.

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I cannot tell you how much this means to me. Fighting back tears here. He has his labs tomorrow, and follow-up with the specialist next Friday. Thank you for the prayers.



Unless I count wrong, that makes 9 days.  Just sayin'.....


Sounds to me like some angel has been watching out for you guys....


Will get it started late tonight or VERY early tomorrow.


Very happy to do this for you all, ArchaeologyCat... only wish it were for a different reason...

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When I learned that ArchaelogyCat's son, Leo, was very ill, I immediately suggested a novena to Bl. Louis and Bl. Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese. I believe they are very powerful before God, and I know that they would understand the problems that this family faces.

  • They were the mother and father of a large family,
  • They knew the sorrow of having chilcren who were very ill.
  • They understood the difficulties of raising children while running a business
  • They know what it was like to deal with all the problems and struggles that today's families face.



I am sure that they would be willing to intercede for Leo.


I also have a personal reason to suggest asking them for help. I had given a series of lectures on St. Therese' family at the time of the hundredth anniversary of St. Therese's death in 1997. When my husband was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer three years later, I asked them to help, and I am convinced that they intervened in his case.


For the next nine days, I will post a short video or article about them and/or their family, along with the novena prayer.


Please join us in storming heaven for Leo and his family.



To give you a little background, here is a clip from a lecture that discusses Bl. Louis and Bl. Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese


Therese: A Child Surrounded by Love (part of a larger conference on St. Therese)

by Professor Keith J. Egan, Ph.D.



Day 1 - Novena



Below is an interesting article from 2008 about the beatification of Louis and Zelie,....


"The necessary directive for the beatification of the Martins came last summer when Pope Benedict XVI authorized the promulgation of a 2003 healing of Pietro Schillero, now six years old. The healing was directly attributed to the intercession of the Martins. The boy was born with inoperable lung deformities in 2002 in Monza, Italy in the diocese of Milan.



"Doctors had told the baby’s mother and father, parents of five other children, that their baby could not survive without pulmonary support. His chances for long-term survival were virtually non-existent. But, the Schillero’s pastor, a Carmelite priest, suggested that the Pietro’s parents pray a novena to Louis and Zelie Martin. The Martins would understand their agony, he told them. Louis and Zelie lost four children, three in infancy, one at five years old.

"The Schilleros’ fellow parishioners joined them in prayer. On June 29, 2003, on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, the baby’s condition showed dramatic and almost instantaneous improvement. Testing indicated the lungs were now unexplainably healed; the deformities had disappeared! Fourteen-month-old Pietro Schillero continued to improve and left the hospital in July, 2003. Miraculously, he went home to his overjoyed family, breathing on his own! ...."


Read the rest of the article here....





Novena Prayer


God of eternal love, You give us Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese, as an example of holiness in marriage. They remained faithful to You in all the duties and trials of life. They desired to raise their children to become saints. May their prayers and example help Christian family life to blossom in our world today. If it be your will, grant me the grace I now ask of You, through the intercession of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin, and let them be counted among the Saints in Your Church. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.




Edited by AnneLine
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