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I Need Your Help Phatm!


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I am in a strange predicament right now. I am at a wonderful school but the academics are not what I want in my education. The logical thing to do would be to transfer but I'm so scared about leaving a place which has become like a big catholic family. I have never fit in anywhere before and I am worried that if I leave I would be making a big mistake. What do you all think? Am I letting my emotions get in the way of a logical decision or do my feeling mater? If I do leave I would go to another catholic college somewhere or else work for a semester. Please give me advice and also please keep me in your prayers. Life is hard right now.

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Do you go to Franciscan?   :saint2:


I guess it depends on what is more important to you. Social interaction or the education youre paying for.

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What is it about the academics at your college that you are unsatisfied with? Academics are of course important, but I learnt from experience that a good social environment is also very valuable. If I remember correctly, if this your first year then my advice to stick the year out before you make a decision. You don't want to make a decision like this too quickly. Are their any guidance counsellors, etc. at your college that you could speak to?

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IMO, the most important part of a college education is... well, the education. There are plenty of catholics and noncatholics all over the world who would be glad to be your friend and it won't cost you a dime.


If you're not getting a good education at that shcool, leave that school as soon as possible.


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Social interaction can happen in many other ways that are not connected with a school.

You can look for things associated with your parish, local clubs that cater to your interest, etc.

But the main thing youre PAYING for at college is the education. If the school not doing a good job then...then they just arent doing their job at all. Dont pay for that!

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Guest Allie

The education matters.  You will make  new friends wherever you go. Did you research or apply to other colleges besides the one you chose?  Maybe it's time to try one of them, now that you know more of what you're looking for.

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I don't think we have enough information to help make this decision. What I agree with EmilyAnn, what is it about the academics you find unsatisfactory? Is it a professor problem or an institutional problem? Is it a hostile environment? Have you talked with any members of the Catholic community around you about how they have dealt with the problems you are facing?

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Once again, Annie, I don't think we are the best people to make these decisions for you. Talk to your counselor at the school. Find a competent spiritual director. We can't make these decisions for you.

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The problem is the education. Not only is is specific but its just really ruthless and there is no tutoring available. I feel like I may fail out if I come back next year. The quality of the education is excellent. But, its almost too good for me. It's harder than Harvard. I don't want to make rash decisions so I wanted to get input from others. I think what I have gotten so far basically agrees with my gut feeling.

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The problem is the education. Not only is is specific but its just really ruthless and there is no tutoring available. I feel like I may fail out if I come back next year. The quality of the education is excellent. But, its almost too good for me. It's harder than Harvard. I don't want to make rash decisions so I wanted to get input from others. I think what I have gotten so far basically agrees with my gut feeling.

A lot of people struggle at first in college. It's a big step from high school and a lot of people find it daunting. You need to speak to the advice services available in your college. 

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