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An Old School Catholic Message Board

In A Bit O Trouble


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I volunteer at my parish religious goods store.  We had a meeting a few weeks ago, where parents ordered their First Holy Communion items from the May catalog of a religious goods distributor.  They paid what the retail value of each item was.  So, they've paid already.


When I tried to order the said items, the distributor's website kept sending me error messages that those items did not exist in their inventory!  After typing off an email, I have not been able to get in contact with them...


I've managed to find a few items elsewhere on the internet, but it has cost double what the parents paid for!!!  Also, I feel badly about charging the  parish because I feel like its my fault for not making sure these items were available in the first place (but it was their MAY CATALOG!!!!)



*sigh* This is going to cost me a bundle, and not only that, I'm really afraid of not finding the items the parents ordered.  I need mucho prayers to accomplish this project...

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