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To Lead Or Drive ?

Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Pax domini bretheren, sympathiesers and others...


So our parish priest gave this homily sometime in the last week, and the big part i got out of it was when he said that there is a subtle difference between shepards in israel and shepards in britain (he possibly said europe i can't remember), the difference is in israel they lead there sheep an axample of this is when you come to a creek with the flock the israeli shepard will pick up one lamb and carry it over the stream and put it down on the otherside, and than the mother will follow accross the stream and than the whole flock. Where as the european or british shepards drive there sheep forward."


I just thought for me that was an eye opener and if none of you had heard of it it may be a good thing to think upon. Leader or Driver ? The priest didn't say one or the other was wrong or right.  I'm a bit of a driver with the whip cracking and the sheep dogs nipping, i think i would prefer to be a leader.


Onward christian souls.



JC " Who would not if one of your lambs or children fell down a well on the sabbath would not go and collect them from the well.? "

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I think i'm more of a driver. Unsure if i typed it in the original post but the priest didn't say that either was nescisarily wrong, looks like another left and right foot scenario. :)

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