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Nihil Obstat

To clarify just a bit, I agree that a soul is either in heaven, purgatory, or hell. But I think it is reasonable that a soul could be simultaneously in purgatory, and also manifested in some sense on earth.

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My main question is why do so many people seem to encounter ghosts/ other paranormal beings. I understand that the dead are in heaven, hell, or purgatory. But what if ghosts are something else? Like an impression a living person left on the earth? Or a common hallucination that humans have?


Ghosts are not the only common paranormal entity encountered by humans. There are also UFOs/ Aliens, and things of that sort. They aren't even human. If they aren't real, then why do so many people claim to see them?

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Bc people are cray and want attention.


I know that some people are making it up. But how could there be thousands of people who experience the same things? Unless they all want attention.

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Nihil Obstat

My main question is why do so many people seem to encounter ghosts/ other paranormal beings. I understand that the dead are in heaven, hell, or purgatory. But what if ghosts are something else? Like an impression a living person left on the earth? Or a common hallucination that humans have?
Ghosts are not the only common paranormal entity encountered by humans. There are also UFOs/ Aliens, and things of that sort. They aren't even human. If they aren't real, then why do so many people claim to see them?

There is some speculation among exorcists and other priests who research this subject that there does exist a certain type of person that is more sensitive to preternatural activity. I have a book by a certain Herbert Thurston SJ, primarily about poltergeist activity, and he does talk about this a bit.


I should be clear though, I think most of what we take to be ghosts, UFOs, whatever, most of it, I think has natural explanations.

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you peple only limit darkness to ghosts/demons. What about the the darkness of psyche! That oughtta be a great nightmare!


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby becomes a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."



This is one of the reasons why everyone should have the chance to go scuba diving in their lifetime.


Examining marine biology and underwater landscapes is wonderful, but one of the aspects I love most about diving is the feeling of facing an abyss as you descend into open water, facing nothing but what you imagine the inky depths to hold (I'm talking about the Jersey Shore in early spring, not Bermuda in July). From the perspective of a diver, you truly are facing your own psyche, devoid of nearly all environmental stimuli, until you reach the bottom and are rewarded with the realization that you are very much in a physical realm, but of course you must pass through an abyss to reach it.



I have yet to have an experience which has revealed the depths of my imagination or has identified my fears and my capability of overcoming them to an extent that even approaches scuba diving :)

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a great Bishop once explained that living with a Dark night of the soul is one kind of darkness. Living with a psychological illness is another kind of darknes but much worse for the sufferer. 

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I am not saying she is physically on earth. But her suicide could have left some type of mark on my grandmothers house that causes my family to feel negative energy. After all, suicide is probably the most grave sin one can commit. There are many forces in the world that we do not understand as humans. If she is in purgatory, then she needs our prayers. I was under the impression that if you willingly take your own life you are most likely going to hell. 


Do you think souls in purgatory can be seen/ felt by living humans? 



I don't buy into the ghosts, but I do buy into representative psychology.  For instance my client's daughter started having nightmares at 13 or 14 of snakes strangling her.  She would say that they bit her arm and wrapped around her face.  She said that the snake charmer was shircon and he stabbed her legs and then made her sleep when she didn't want to.  These were so frightening that the daughter would slip into a panic attack and had uncontrollable asthma.  The first dr scolded the client for letting her daughter watch too much Jungle book.


Then they started intense therapy to get rid of the nightmares.  Lo and behold the clever doctor figured it out.  The little girl, at 6 or 8 months had been hospalitized.   She had a nose-tube and an IV in her arm (the snakes).  At one point they'd run out of veins and used her legs, this caused her to panic and they gave her a seditive.


It must be ruled out that you saw a picture of this woman and she is representing something that occured in your grandparent's house.  It is very possible that same spirit (devil) of fear or despair lives in the house still.  But the human soul has long since gone.

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