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For A Tragic Accident And For My Voice


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Hi Phamily:


I just read online about the death of 4 priests in Mexico.  They died in a car accident while returning from the Coast


Please pray for the repose of their souls, for their families, and for their parishioners.  Their names are: Padres Ernesto González, Roberto Pablo González, Guadalupe Ornelas, y Filiberto Juan Carlos Pulido.


See the following link (in Spanish) for their names: http://srdelapiedad.com.mx/descansen-en-pazlos-sacerdotes-de-la-diocesis-de-san-juan-de-los-lagos/.  On the diocesan page is the announcement of the funeral masses:  http://www.dsanjuan.com/



And I also ask for prayers for my singing voice to return -- I lost my voice completely last weekend (100%).  This weekend I have about 70% of it back, but my upper register is still gone.  I have a diocesan commitment in 5 days.  I can sing without the upper register -- but I really would like to have my full voice range back, or at least 95%.




-- Cma


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