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Hi Phamily:


a) the hot water heater went

b) I've got two major expenses coming -- 30 day retreat, 14 day class.  Plus the hot water heater went.

c) Did I mention that the hot water heater went?  I have no plumbing skills and I'm a gal too.


On the spiritual side -- I'm having a hard time forgiving *still*.  And stuff is getting stirred up with respect to my relationship with a church leader and my priest.  Honestly I don't want to be there ... I can't take the "your character/personality is the reason why I don't use you" comment from the pastor; and ok I need to change but what happens until then?  Therefore -- if I can't be of use at the parish why stay.


Having a bad day again today.


Finally pray for K. -- she had surgery earlier today. 


-- Cma


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