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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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The weather is nicer, however Im still having stress between myself and a friend. Well...more like T and I are having troubles with a friend and her bf.

Mostly on political issues. The shutdown really brought to light the differences we have in that area...and what is really important to us.


le sigh


Im not innocent...I can get pretty fired up about things but I dont generally do it for no reason. The crux of the matter is all the negative, insane, teapublican things she posts that are basically calling the poor subhuman. A quote she posted literally called people on government aid programs "parasites". 


I had to prevent her posts from showing up in my feed because its stressing me out. T is much more outspoken and likes to open dialogue but things never go very well. They accuse him of being questionable in his faith which really hurts him.




To be fair, there are those who are long-term users who don't know or don't care about changing those relationship in the system. Sometimes we need to change the way the system and the community reaches out to people who feed off the system, maybe do more to instill certain values where needed and create opportunities for capable people.

Edited by Light and Truth
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You have multi-denominational game night?

Well, sort of...bi-denominational really.  I'm the token Catholic, the other five people are all Mormons (one of them lapsed).  Last night was kind of funny; they got their new assignments from the pastor.  One of them was supposed to do home ministry to the lapsed one, another was supposed to do home ministry to the Games Master, and another was supposed to step up efforts to talk about their faith to non-Mormons.  So we all agreed that playing Betrayal at House on the Hill counted for all three, because the two home visits were happening essentially, and I had to listen to them whine about their church, so they told someone about the Mormon faith.  (And they loved the taco ring!)

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To be fair, there are those who are long-term users who don't know or don't care about changing those relationship in the system. Sometimes we need to change the way the system and the community reaches out to people who feed off the system, maybe do more to instill certain values where needed and create opportunities for capable people.


To what are you referring?

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Your earlier post. Do you mean like examples?


I dunno, your reply sounded like you were talking about the Matrix or something

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I dunno, your reply sounded like you were talking about the Matrix or something


Oh, where I said the system? I meant the social services/political/governmental systems.

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So you were referring to the comments about government aid recipients? Or the status of my relationship with my friend?


I really didnt get it cause Im high on herbal tea.


Also, if youre interested in having a political discussion with me lets do it over PM. I dont want to hijack BG's thread! 

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You two are polite, but if you want to duke it out, go ahead.




I am continually amazed when people send me e-mails that they missed the test, because they couldn't remember to take it during a 24 hour period, or thought I had given a 36 hour period for some reason.  About to reply to two of them to take the test on the Makeup Day.  Not saying, though thinking, "Learn how to tell time before graduating, because in the real world you'll be fired."

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I am continually amazed when people send me e-mails that they missed the test, because they couldn't remember to take it during a 24 hour period, or thought I had given a 36 hour period for some reason.  About to reply to two of them to take the test on the Makeup Day.  Not saying, though thinking, "Learn how to tell time before graduating, because in the real world you'll be fired."


This happens more frequently than you would like to think. I would say the only valid excuse if one were extremely ill (high fever, puking etc)  and then it is probably best not to be around others or a computer (if it is an online test).

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I agree.  "I forgot" isn't really valid, but still, I have the Makeup Day anyhow.  It's sad to think how common that sort of thing is.  :(  They're paying so much to essentially shoot themselves in the foot.

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Officially defending my dissertation proposal on Monday, November 18th at 12pm in the conference room.  I appreciate any/all prayers.  :huh:  


So nervous and excited simultaneously.  Also my chair is currently buried beneath a mountain of promotion packets for the university-wide promotion committee.  I mean that semi-literally.  The pile begins on the floor and blocks all view of her from the hallway; granted she's 4" 11" but still...

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You are going to do just fine, BG!!!!   And we will be PRAYING for you!


That is the feast of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne and St. Odo and a whole bunch of other great patrons!!!!!   We All will pray for you!!!!!




Time to get your Chair some stacking file boxes...

Edited by AnneLine
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Thanks AL!!  :)  I appreciate ALL THE PRAYERS!  I have a feeling those saints and I will be speaking that very morning...

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