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Moral Implications Of Marrying My Brother


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But they wanted to marry for love too. Love of money, that is.
Is their love not equal to the homosexual's erotic 'love'?? :sad: WHEN WILL JUSTICE BE SERVED?


Speaking of which, I want to enter into a civil partnership with my money in order to enjoy tax breaks and special rights arising therefrom. Someone should get on making this a reality.


According to another thread here on The Phatmass, masturbation is now ok since it's been discovered there are homosexuals at the Vatican.  I'm thinking if masturbation is ok, having sex with money is ok too.


It is a brave new world, indeed.  We've just about sung a whole new church into being...

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Speaking of which, I want to enter into a civil partnership with my money in order to enjoy tax breaks and special rights arising therefrom. Someone should get on making this a reality.


What God has joined together, let no taxman tear asunder.

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As GeorgiiMichael pointed out, incestuous marriages aren't allowed simply because of birth defects. There is nothing logical they can argue with on why two brothers or sisters can't marry each other if same-sex marriage is legal.

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Will they allow schizophrenics to marry themselves?

I think you mean someone with multiple personality disorder.
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That is so extremely narcissistic. Allow me to give a brief discription of why narcissism is so revolting:

Last year (Winter quarter 2012) I was taking a class in which we read a bunch of ancient Greeks and Romans (about 5 or 6 books). One of these was Ovid, specifically his Metamorphoses. That is the book which contains the story of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection and then became a flower by the side of the pool he looked at himself in. The story has a lot more detail than that, however. One of my two professors for this class described many of the stories in Ovid as making him want to "do a lobotomy with a spoon". Narcissus definitely falls into that category. This article is even worse, because it's more modern.

(Okay, rant over. And I'm the one who chose to keep reading anyway.)

HOWEVER, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just trolling. After all, this is the internet and the website mentioned at the end doesn't work (although it might have when the article was written 7 years ago).
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