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Proposition: Formal Debate

Nihil Obstat

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An impartial judge should choose the winner of the debate.


I nominate Winchester as judge.


He's going to judge either way.

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Anyone you would want to back you up?



I don't know.  I don't have any objection to anybody joining in.  I would think that Lillabett, Aloysius, and Era might have some interesting views that don't really side either either of us (you, me, and Winchester)  It really depends on how tightly you and Winchester want to structure things.  

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Maybe we could still have the general structure of a debate but allow anybody to ask questions?  Or maybe let anybody participate but insist that anybody joining must restate his opponents argument as he or she understands it and address every point (even if only to say 'I agree') of the point he or she responds to?  I'm just spitballing.  

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Nihil Obstat

I don't know.  I don't have any objection to anybody joining in.  I would think that Lillabett, Aloysius, and Era might have some interesting views that don't really side either either of us (you, me, and Winchester)  It really depends on how tightly you and Winchester want to structure things.  


Any of them could be fun. Era is actually who came to mind to me first. Al is probably too busy and stuff. :P
I am more than willing to take on a fairly loose structure with all this. A sort of debate format is what came to mind for me, with a sort of vague point-counterpoint going on, but I am not particularly wedded to that exact idea.


Maybe we could still have the general structure of a debate but allow anybody to ask questions?  Or maybe let anybody participate but insist that anybody joining must restate his opponents argument as he or she understands it and address every point (even if only to say 'I agree') of the point he or she responds to?  I'm just spitballing.  

I think this might be more fruitful if we are strict about the number of contributors. Not that I do not appreciate input from other people, but at that point our thread would not be much different from the average PM thread, you know?


Plus since I am a dirty capitalist, clearly I have an innate desire to keep out the riffraff.

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I'm not wearing a bloody tie.



Can it be more of a discussion? 


We also have brown pants for you.

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I'd be more interested in participating if there was some positive purpose of the discussion...rather than debate theory, discuss how our viewpoints translate to ways of being in the real world. Maybe a group blog format, even a reading group dimension to the discussion so that it's based on some common starting point.

Edited by Era Might
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 It really depends on how tightly you and Winchester want to structure things.  

We're anarchists. The whole thing will probably turn into an orgy.

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Nihil Obstat

I am still up for it if Winnie is, and if you find yourself a partner. Or are we calling them 'life companions' now?

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