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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Specific Signs Of Relationship Type?


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Fr. Mike Schmitz has this amesome little video answering the question, "What is a vocation?"


We've all heard that vocation is a call, that it is a relationship.


He suggests that a person try to see & identify the relationship into which the Lord might be calling them -- to lay their life down for a human spouse, or to lay their life down either for Christ or His Church.


We talk about signs to the vocation all the time: loves prayer, loves to serve, has a desire, is fit.


But how does a person look at their life and examine the type of relationship into which God might be calling them?! We're all naturally called to marriage, so how does one look for signs in their life, beyond more general signs of a vocation?


What kind of explicit differences arise in the life of someone called to the religious life vs. married life that suggest this person is called into a different type of relationship? Are way of life (i.e., prayer & service) and relationship (i.e., laying down life for Christ) synonymous here?



Edited by thepiaheart
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