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Conformity In Mass


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Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't.  I have a fiancee, friends, friends kids who adore me, my fiancee's family just loves me, I am able to be decently poplular in the office and when I do attend a church event people know me and want me to sit with them so why should I change?


Idk, your blood pressure?

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Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't.  I have a fiancee, friends, friends kids who adore me, my fiancee's family just loves me, I am able to be decently poplular in the office and when I do attend a church event people know me and want me to sit with them so why should I change?


So basically, "I'm popular, so I'm going to keep being rude to people"? There were some dictators that were pretty popular -- doesn't mean it wouldn't have hurt them to be nicer to people.

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If I go to a parish and I don't know what to expect then I stay at the back.   The one time I didn't do this, they stood in a circle and held hands for the Our Father and since I was in a middle pew, there was no escaping it. 


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My parish (and most I've been to) encourages hand holding during the "Our Father" which I will fold my hands and give anyone (even a child) a dirty look if they try to hold mine.  It is quite clearly against the ruberics and incorrect.  They also sing it, which is in no way acceptable.


Ummm its unacceptable to sing the Our Father? Somebody better tell the Pope he's doing it wrong.

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Not The Philosopher

Ummm its unacceptable to sing the Our Father? Somebody better tell the Pope he's doing it wrong.


Indeed. Who knew we were actually committing liturgical abuse at all those High Latin Masses?

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...I actually have low blood pressure.



you're still young (I assume). It might be a problem when you get older, but hey it's your life. Do your thing girl.

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Archaeology cat

I do what helps me to pray most attentively. For me, that means folded hands during the Our Father and the Gospel, bowing my head at the names of Jesus and Mary, replying in Latin in my head or silently, while saying the English replies out loud, and other little personal prayer movements that engage me more and foster my own reverence and communication with God. My parish holds hands during the Our Father, but I elect to keep my hands to myself because it is what helps me pray more truly.

I think bowing the head at the names of Jesus and Mary is in the GIRM, but I could be wrong. Many in my parish hold hands during the Our Father. I do not. I miss saying the Hail Mary at the end of the prayers of the faithful like we did in Liverpool.
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Archaeology cat

My parish (and most I've been to) encourages hand holding during the "Our Father" which I will fold my hands and give anyone (even a child) a dirty look if they try to hold mine.  It is quite clearly against the ruberics and incorrect.  They also sing it, which is in no way acceptable.

May I ask what is accomplished by giving a dirty look? As far as I'm aware, there is no mandated posture for the laity during the Our Father, so I wouldn't think hand-holding to be a liturgical abuse, even if I do question the reasoning behind it. Many have grown up with it in the US and so think nothing of it. I actually thought it was the norm until I went to England. Now I'm back in the US, and don't hold hands. I simply fold my hands and bow my head, or I have my hands full with one or more children. But this is my preference.

God bless
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