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For God's Will Once More


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So, it went great last night when I called my friend, and I'm glad to say we had a really great final phone call. No feelings were hurt, and there was mutual understanding, which is much more than I was expecting. She kept going on about how much she respected me, because she didn't know anyone else who would do what I did if they were in my situation. However, she revealed at the end that my other best friend feels the same way as her in terms of not wanting to be friends anymore, which I've suspected for a while, but was kind of shocked by because we always get along so well. I inwardly sighed, because I had just gotten rid of half my social life, and now I'm being asked to get rid of the other. However, I know that this is best, and I know that following God's will always leads to being happier. I'm honestly not upset about breaking off my friendship, but rather I have been relieved and happy. I ave hope that things will work out well when I break off my other friendship as well.


All for the glory of God.

Edited by The Phetus
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