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Pocket Gospels


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i used to carry a pocket 'good news bible' or a 'gideon' version. Very good to have multiples of these at home and to keep one in the pocket not only in case you have to read it but to give away to someone whom has not. I think the gideon church gives them away for free, they would be more than happy to give anyone multiple copies. I wish there was a catholic edition of the new testament with psalms and proverbs, that was free or at least super cheap. Unsure the gideons really feed, clothe and educate the poor for free much though, they just use there finances to give away free bibles which is cool too. I guess if you give away a gideon bible than tell the person your a catholic christian and that there are multiple translations of holy scripture and that the pocket bible only has the new testament and psalms and proverbs and if they're interested in reading more of the holy scriptures to get a catholic version which contains the Apocrypha and remainder of the old testament, and i guess if they ask why do i need these say " read it and find out." :)

I gave away all my copies and have been financially disabled for about 4 years and suffering from bad mental illness so havent had the finances or energy to acquire more copies, though i think out loud so i can take my own advice and go see the gideons and get a number of copies for free if i remember and have a break from my ego which is trying to destroy me and keep me incapacitate in my evangelizing capacity.


Unsure what exact size your pocket versions are but the gideon one is so small it can fit into the pocket of relatively tight jeans. Go the 80s lol.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Yes, not on my person though. I bring it with me on vacations. Interestingly enough this is the one I read from daily. I guess I like that it's a comfortable size to hold.



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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I didn't realise there where catholic pocket editions. cool. If i get the chance to i may ask my local catholic bookstore to start ordering them in if they don't have them already. Hid child, that is a good price also, does it fit in a pocket though?

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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I have at various times. I have one book called "Christ in the Gospel." One of those old Confraternity of the Precious Blood books, it tells the life of Christ, drawing from all four Gospels. It has beautiful illustrations, prayers, and study questions. It's pretty sweet. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, my rosary and phone. Rosary is placed on one side of the Good Book and the phone goes on the other side. ;)


You know you can get a Good Book IN your phone, right?

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Credo in Deum

You know you can get a Good Book IN your phone, right?


Yep but it doesn't carry the weight of seeing the Good Book in person and in all of its glory!  Plus my Bible is blessed so it is a better conduit for grace than my iPhone.

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