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Whether there will be beer in heaven? Applied Thomism


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There were no potatoes in Europe in St. Thomas' time - potatoes are native to South America and were not introduced to Europe until after 1492.

Cheese curds would certainly have been familiar to St. Thomas.

Being a practical person, St. Thomas would have liked - at least intellectually - both cheese curds and potatoes (if he'd had access to them) because he would have recognized their inherent goodness as a gift from God to sustain us in our earthly travails.

Therefore, St. Thomas would have liked poutine.

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I've had moose drool, and its green...ish...

is it really moose drool?  Is it really? is it???


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I've had moose drool, and its green...ish...

is it really moose drool?  Is it really? is it???


​That's lovely. But what about the beer?

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Water is beer in heaven. :P ADAMS ALE, believe dat. LOL. Also popular t.v, movies and music have subliminal messages to get people to drink more alcohol.

 And the Michellen man is the ancient nordic God of alcohol, thats what a women in the church told me that is very well researched on all things pagan. Research it for yourself.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

And by the way everything alcohol belongs in the 18+ thread, lame or not. Thats what i was lead to believe anyway. No pun intended. 

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

I always thought people drink beer b/c it is delicious. 

​Aye pappy. All alcohol is poison and tastes like poison for a reason. Unless it is very very weak like west coast coolers and light beer but even that modern version of a weak alcoholic beverage is quiet strong, back in Jesus day supposedly the truly religious drank an even weaker beer,wine and spirits, more like 1.3% ie. 1 God the 3(holy trinity)

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Oh well. I am going to have a tall glass of poison later tonight.  Prost!

​Perhaps make it a short glass if you know whats good for you. :) unless your poor and drowning your misery but be careful even if so and remember drunkardness is evil. GodblesS.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Yes mom.

​Ask the holy mother to reveal to you christs will on the matter, not your un holy mother TAB. J/k LOL. :) serious about the ask the holy mother mary bit but not serious about me being your unholy mother, lol.

Edited by Tab'le De'Bah-Rye
to fast for reason
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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Oh if your saying i talk out my arse meaning i give birth out of my arse for i am a man and not a women here is a big phat class A cuban for you phat mouth. lol. watch it i got a kill switch called Antarctica, it is where the penguins live you know, str8 black and white i dont want to fight. :)

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​Ask the holy mother to reveal to you christs will on the matter, not your un holy mother TAB. J/k LOL. :) serious about the ask the holy mother mary bit but not serious about me being your unholy mother, lol.

​Thanks for explaining :)

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