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Vocations are fun.


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Ha. Not really. Well, I'm Joseph Silver, a seminarian for the Archdiocese of St. Louis (I'll be a freshman). I'd like to tell you about my vocation story, maybe help spark someones vocation! I'd also like to ask for some help, I'll get to that later.

So it begins: Growing up, my parents always made sure to get us to Church every Sunday. We weren't uber Catholic, but we said our prayers before dinner, said our occasional rosary, that kind of stuff. I went to public school, so I was enrolled in PSR (Parish School of Religion), it's the very basics of Catholicism. Nothing too hardcore. But I was always drawn to the priesthood. I distinctly remember one class, a priest came in to talk about vocations and Holy Orders. He said his spiel and then asked if anyone was interested in the priesthood. I raised my hand, but after quickly realizing I was the only one with my hand up, I quickly reloaded it, being the shy kid I was. It was too late. He saw me. He said, "Are you scared?" I nodded. "Don't worry. It's a great life. You won't be upset if you become a priest." 

Years pass, I finish PSR, get confirmed. Yadayada. Finally, I was a freshman in high school! I was so excited; so ready to finally have some freedom after 3 years of what I presumed was hell, known as middle school. I was ready to meet new people, get a lot of girlfriends, do whatever I wanted, even take on the world!!! But I forgot something important; God.

I never stopped believing, but with all of this new found freedom, I didn't make our relationship the most important thing in my life. God had a plan to bring me back. On April, 3rd, 2012, at the age of 14, I witnessed the death of my neighbor. He was 77 years old, extremely unhealthy and sick, and weighed about 350 pounds, maybe. I remember this day like it was yesterday. I was home alone, prepping for a soccer game later that night. I was watching Malcolm in the Middle on Netflix and making a peanut butter-Nutella sandwich. At about 3:15-3:30ish, there was a frantic knock on my door. It was his wife. She told me that she thought her husband had died. I sprinted over to their house to see him face down on the floor, not moving or breathing. I flipped him over, which was very difficult. I was no more than 4 inches away from his face. The look on his face was terrifying. It is scarred in me. I will always remember it. I remember his wife screaming and crying, asking him to wake up. I remember her slapping him and cursing at him. I remember holding her as she cried and telling her that everything will be alright. I remember everything, down to the millisecond.

I was pissed. Why would God put me through this situation? Why would he torture me like this? What did I do to deserve this? I felt abandoned by God. I tried to go to counseling, didn't work. I tried to figure it out and deal with it on my own, didn't work. I tried blocking it out, didn't work. It wasn't until I turned back to God and tell him I was wrong that I could instantly deal with this situation. I realized that God never abandoned me; it was I that left him.

Now, by the grace of God, I am able to go to seminary and find my calling, whether it be a priest or not. I am truly blessed to have this situation happen to me. It was a very humbling event, and without it, my relationship with God would not be as strong as it is.


Now for the help.

I feel called to consider an order. I feel called to help those in need, so I would love to look at apostolic/missionary orders. Any suggestions?

God Bless!

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Thank you for sharing your story? Have you got a particular apostolate in mind? Dominicans are great ;), but then I would say that. 

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Thank you for sharing your story? Have you got a particular apostolate in mind? Dominicans are great ;), but then I would say that. 

I love the Maryknolls. I have looked into the Dominicans though.

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