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When others dont understand..


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If someone very close to you disagrees with the very idea of consecrated life, how do you keep your peace and not get very sad? I just had a discussion where I felt the most personal things to me were dismissed as a mistake or delusion - though the conversation wasn't about me. And this is a person I love very dearly and they would be heart broken if they knew more about my thoughts on vocation. After I couldn't hide my tears. How do you just bear this as a cross? And I know I can't change their mind and I will pray instead .. But still it hurts much. I am not good yet at always having peace .. What could be used to have more hope and trust when this happens? Any thoughts? Thank you :)

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I'm afraid I can't be of much help in this situation, MLF, because I don't usually lend much weight to what other people think.

I'm posting to tell you that I sympathize with you and offer what little comfort I can from the other side of your screen. :kiss:

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Thank you :) with my personality I become very attached to people close to me. I realized after posting this that Jesus' love was misunderstood - so it is a gift of a cross if our love for Him is also misunderstood. Hopefully if anyone is reading this and struggling with the same, this could be an encouragement. I'm just offering this to Him and I think He helps to bear it when we accept a cross. This person disagrees with this idea probably since they were not taught in the faith and it's new to them. 

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I'm with Gabriela on this.If the person is not someone close to you, then if they disagree with you, it's a case of 'agree to disagree'. If the person is someone who really cares about you, then I would be wondering why you can't have an open heart to heart and discuss things with them. My sister is an agnostic but she has always supported me in my discernment to religious life - not because she has ever understood it or agree with it, but because she loves me and supports me in what I want to do. If something is important to me, she wants to help me with it. 

Maybe you need to re-evaluate some of your relationships before you get yourself too upset over things. Those who care about us, care about our beliefs and feelings as well, even if they don't understand or agree. Those we feel we can't talk to - well, they aren't really that close, are they? So why let their thoughts or beliefs be so important? 

Jesus can take care of Himself - He is God. He knows there are people who don't know him or care about Him or love Him (some of them even killed Him) but He also knows every human being's heart and soul, and He is taking care of things. Relax, and trust a little.

And maybe don't get into discussions about things that matter so much to you with people who don't feel the same way?? Just avoid a little distress that way. :) 

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Do you want this person to accept your ideas on religious life? Or do you want them to agree with you about it? Acceptance and agreement are two completely different things, and if you are trying to persuade the person to see things your way, you might not get very far. But people can learn to accept you without agreeing with or even understanding everything you do, so don't lose hope of that.

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