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Planned Parenthood


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On 12/2/2015, 6:54:05, Josh said:

Latest from PP


And I don't give a rat's rear-end about PP's demands.

(As if it's not rich enough that they act so upset by the murder of a few, while they murder millions every year.)

PP and their cronies on the Left want to exploit this to demand that nobody talk about their business of baby-killing and the harvesting and sale of baby parts ("Don't use that incendiary rhetoric!!!!  You'll set the crazies off!!").  But of course, if they didn't kill babies and sell their body parts, there'd be nothing "incendiary" to talk about, would there?

Of course, this is unsurprising from an organization whose entire existence is based on lies.

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i wouldn't put it past them to have hired the guy.  after those damning videos, they needed good PR.  victimhood works.  I think they received thousands in donations after the shooting...nevermind that prolife people were the ones who were murdered, if they can benefit from this, they will do their darndest to exploit it.

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1 hour ago, dominicansoul said:

nevermind that prolife people were the ones who were murdered

Source? I understand the cop was pro-life, but I didn't hear anything about hte other two victims

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