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For me to stop being a brat


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This is stupid. But anyway,  I was working on a little home decor project, involving me painting these 12 clothespins cute colors. They were going to be used in a display above the fireplace.

My husband today mentioned to me that clothespins make him think of cloth diapers. He asked if the decoration will be easy to remove, maybe we can just have it up during the week and take it down on weekends.

My feelings were hurt because I was excited and proud of my little DIY which I've spent hours on in between bouncing our baby. Picking out the perfect supplies etc. 

He saw this, did a 180 and was so tender and keeps praising my work and saying "we must finish it tomorrow! I love it!" But I feel like binning the whole thing. I'm feeling bratty and like I still want him to feel bad about hurting my feelings. I'm pouting and not happily accepting his praise or finishing the project. This is the kind of thing St Therese would never have a problem with. Gah. 

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