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7 Year Tribulation?

Justified Saint

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Justified Saint

I've read that a couple of times before. Skimming back over it briefly I didn't see anything that specifically addressed what Catholics belief about the tribulation and its length.

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I am not sure tribulation is the correct word. Here is a bit I saved on Catholic prophecy and the endtimes:

A Hypothetical Chronology Table

(1) At some point in the future, the corrupt faithless age we live in
now will come to an end either through inner conversion of sufficient
number of people who turn to prayer, sacrifice, and penance,---or there will
be a chastisement. This would be a Minor Chastisement preceding the Age of
Peace. St Louis de Montfort described this Age of Peace as the Age of Mary.

(2) If this chastisement is not averted through conversion, the Latin
Church will be afflicted by heresy and schism.

(3) The chastising elements will come in two forms, (a) manmade and (b)

(4) Civil war will break out in France and Italy at almost the same
time. This is the sign given by many prophets that the Chastisement has

(5) This will spread to general wars, and, famine and pestilence (the
usual by-products of war).

(6) At the same time there will be civil war on almost a world-wide

(7) Earthquakes, tidal waves, floods and all other sorts of “natural”
disasters will occur.

(8) Some Moslems will cause great trouble for the Church and Europe in

(9) and much, much more (see the book).

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