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Happy Surprise


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My dear convert-type friends: I'm going to become Catholic! I've known for a couple of weeks, but I wanted to tell my parents first. I told my mom today.

Me (totally nervous, but can't put it off any longer, taking mom's hand): "Mom...God...I'm pretty sure God wants me to become Catholic. Is that okay?" (rolling eyes at self: "is that okay", ha ha)

Mom: (smiling, squeezing my hand) "Of course that's okay, honey. You know, it's not the world's biggest surprise."

Me (beginning to cry): "So...do you think dad will be okay with it?"

Mom (rolls eyes, smirks): "Well, he *might* be okay with it..."

(Remember, parents are former Catholics, though not hostile.)

I haven't told my dad yet. I'm trying to decide how to go about it...I think I'm going to write some things out for him to read and then talk with him...so please pray.



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I am so excited right now I could just BURST!!!!!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

[color=purple]Welcome home![/color]

:dance: :clap: :bounce: :group: :balloons:

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YAY!!!!!! Welcome home, MG!!! God's blessings on you as you set about jumping the Tiber! ;)

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[quote name='traichuoi' date='Jul 6 2004, 12:41 AM'] that's cool...what will be the first thing you do as a Catholic?

what? seriously! hehehe [/quote]
LOL...I don't know. I've been considering myself Catholic for a couple of weeks now...I bought a rosary two weeks ago. ;)

As far as when I actually get *received*, I don't know.

I need to go talk to my priest.


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