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Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows


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Today, we commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. This feast invites us to contemplate the profound suffering and deep faith of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as she endured immense sorrow while standing at the foot of the Cross of her Son, Jesus Christ. In her, we find a model of faith, strength, and compassion that can inspire us on our own spiritual journeys.

Our Lady of Sorrows is often depicted with seven swords piercing her heart, symbolizing the seven sorrows she experienced throughout her life. These sorrows include the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of the child Jesus in the temple, the meeting with Jesus on the road to Calvary, the crucifixion and death of Jesus on the Cross, the taking down of His body from the Cross, and His burial. Each of these moments represents the depth of Mary's compassion and her unwavering faith in God's plan.

 At the Annunciation, Mary said "yes" to God's plan, proclaiming her fiat: "Let it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). This profound act of surrender and trust in God's will became the foundation of her life. Mary's faith was not a faith without suffering, but a faith that sustained her through the most challenging moments. She teaches us that saying "yes" to God's plan can lead to both joys and sorrows, but ultimately, it leads to eternal life.

Mary's presence at the foot of the Cross is a testament to her deep compassion and solidarity with her suffering Son. She did not turn away from His agony; instead, she stood there, sharing in His pain and offering her maternal love. In Mary, we find a model of compassion, reminding us to be present with and support those who suffer around us.

Our Lady of Sorrows is not only a model of faith and compassion but also a powerful intercessor. As we turn to her in prayer, she understands our sorrows and brings our petitions to her Son. Mary's heart is always open to our needs and concerns, and she leads us closer to Jesus, who is our ultimate source of comfort and hope.

 In conclusion, as we honour Our Lady of Sorrows today, let us reflect on Mary's life as a journey of faith and compassion. Let her example inspire us to say "yes" to God's plan, even in the face of challenges and suffering. May we also be channels of compassion in a world that often needs it so desperately.

As we entrust our sorrows, joys, and petitions to Our Lady of Sorrows, may we find solace in her maternal care and draw ever closer to the love and mercy of her Son, Jesus Christ.



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