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Prayer Please


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A prayer much appreciated.

I am still in a fair bit of pain, but what has me concerned is a lifting of depression.  I did not realise that I was depressed.  The concern is that I could move into a manic high.  I suffer bipolar disorder.

My legs have a staphylococci infection, which they are having a difficult time clearing up.  It is painful and smells dreadful.  It looks something like a rash that is continually wet and it weeps a lot, with a shocking smell.  I don't want the infection to get into my bloodstream.   No idea how I picked it up except that my weight caused excess fluid in my lower legs, which causes the weeping.

I have lost 10.5 kilo in a matter of 4weeks.  I have put myself on a 1500 calorie diet.  I need to walk more to get my circulation going and walk as much as possible around my room here, which is  quite large..  One day I shower, which involves me moving around a fair bit and is painful and leaves me exhausted.  The next day is walk day.

One Hail Mary can be a miracle worker. :) 

On the upside, I am still very happy in this Home.  This is a work of Our Lady - that I am still happy to be here.  It was very hard at first, but passed very quickly indeed.

Public Mental Health is happy with me.  We had a phone consult with them, my son and brother with myself.  Current arrangements to stay in place for another 12 months - and in 2026 the Tribunal signs out on my case.

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Sorry to hear about the staphylococcal infection. I had a friend who had one, so I know just what you're describing. 

Good on you for the weight loss! That's especially hard to do when one can't do much in the way of exercise. Stick to it!

And you are now on my official Prayer List (the one on the refrigerator - the best way to remind myself). Remember, o most gracious virgin Mary!

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Thank you, Luigi.  I have great devotion to Mary.

Yes, I am very happy with the weight loss.  I understand low calorie diets quite well as I was diet conscious when much younger.  On walk day, a carer will accompany on a walk into the hallway.  I can't walk far just now, but the plan is to gradually increase the distance.

Trying and praying.

Thank you so much for putting me on your refrigerator Prayer List.  Remember most Loving Virgin Mary that never was it known in any age that anyone who implored your help or fled to your protection was abandoned; therefore, I fly to thee Virgin of Virgins, my mother.  To you do I come, before you I stand sinful and sorrowful.  Do not despise my prayers, Mary, but graciously hear and grant them.  Amen.


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Christ have Mercy - Thank you very much @Anastasia13

Situation is still status quo.  At least the  cover on the wound on the inside of my thigh has dropped off naturally (It could not be pulled off or skin would have come with it - they unreflectively put on stick on dressings) with my legs still quite painful.  I might have to go on another course of antibiotics and this will be the fourth or fifth lot.  Frankly, I can't see what good they are doing, but then a staff infection is very difficult to shift apparently.  Covid and Staff are both highly infectious and easy to pick up in an aged care Home. 

The monkey bar above my bed has now been installed today, but I have grown so used to sitting up all night that I could not settle in the bed tonight, not even with a strong sleeping medication.  I thought that a monkey bar would help me get into a comfortable position in bed.  But I have spent too many nights, I think, sitting up at my desk.

I am continually uniting myself to The Cross and just trying to do the best I can.  Now and then pain gets me down in the dumps - but I am human and Jesus does not demand perfection, only A+ for effort.  I do hope I can get at least there.  I am not doing it all alone, He is with me in Faith.  Intellectually, I believe it, I know it, but I can feel none of it.  It is a walk in Dark Faith.  I can almost hear His Words in Gethsemane "Father, if it be possible, please let this cup pass from me.  But not My Will, but Thine be done"............................good enough for me "no servant can be greater than The Master". (John 13).


Edited by BarbTherese
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Bandages on my legs were removed today and renewed.  A real improvement on my legs is now quite evident.  I have started another course of antibiotics.  My legs are not as painful.  Thank you very much to those who have said a prayer for me.

"More things are wrought by Prayer than this world dreams of" Ven Archbishop Fulton Sheen



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