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Are You Christian or Pro-Abortion? Because You Can’t Be Both


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Last Sunday’s Second Reading probably got homiletic short shrift, but it is very appropriate to this week. The March for Life takes place Friday, marking what would have been the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade. With the Iowa caucuses Monday, we’ve also begun a decisive election year.

The reading talks about whose body is it?

That question is likely to be bandied about this week. There’s usually a small counter-demonstration against the March for Life just outside the Supreme Court, chanting “My Body, My Choice!” Expect that line to be the leitmotif of the Women’s March, planned for the day after the March for Life. (That’s all the more reason to make sure our numbers Friday are huge.)

To the proponents of “My body, my choice!” St. Paul has an answer: “You are not your own.”

Christ, having died to redeem everyman, has a claim on everyman (and every woman).

Nor is that claim merely a debt, a debt at least of gratitude. No, you do not just remain “your own” but with some debt vis-à-vis God. No, you have been made into a “temple of the Holy Spirit,” which means that violating the body is not just denying a debt, it is profaning what is holy. Violating your body is to sin against yourself, even if that is what you want to do. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pray for the unborn, pray for those who walk so far from the Truth.  Pray that the hells are empty for the sin of abortion cries to the heavens for justice.

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  • 3 months later...

You don’t have to be Christian to be pro-life / anti-abortion.   Pro-life is fundamentally logical.  

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  • 1 month later...


Eternal Father, 
we humbly offer Thee our poor presence, 
and that of the whole of humanity, 
from the beginning 
to the end of the world 
at all the Masses 
that ever have or ever will be prayed. 
We offer Thee all the pains, 
sufferings, prayers, sacrifices, 
joys, and relaxations of our lives, 
in union with those of our Lord Jesus here on earth. 
May the Most Precious Blood of Christ, 
all His Blood, Wounds, 
and Agony save us, 
through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.



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