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Is Reading Horoscopes A Mortal Sin?


Is reading horoscopes a mortal sin?  

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I can definitely but that. Reading a horoscope without consulting it is akin to going to a movie of sexual nature without any intention of deriving pleasure from it. I'm sure I'd confess either one to a priest.

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Venial sins arne't neccessarily to be confessed. Pornogrpahy, if not looked at for lustful reaosns, probably isn't considered grave matter.

God bless,


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Guest JeffCR07

Mikey is correct to say that venial sins will not kill the life of grace within a person, and thus will not remove an individual from salvation. However, as I'm sure Mikey and you all know (but I think should be formally set in writing for this discussion) it is a wonderful thing to confess even venial sins, for the venial sin wounds the life of grace, and makes it easier to commit mortal sins. Moreover, the bountiful graces received at confession greatly aid one in persevering in a state of grace.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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i agree with you jeff...i think that even if it is a venial sin...it should be confessed for a few reasons

1. bc it makes u look at urself and realize that u are a sinner

2. it gives you a chance to become more like JESUS

3. every sin hurts God, no matter if it is mortal or venial

4. sin leads to more sins...if u commit a venial sin....and u keep repeating it...it could lead u to other sins that are mortal sins

5. by going to confession, u get grace to help u not commit venial sins, and by not giving into venial sins...that could help u not commit mortal sins

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[quote]Reading horoscopes? Not unless it would cause you to believe in them. Then it would be a mortal sin, since believing in them is a mortal sin.[/quote]

I agree

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Aug 29 2004, 03:00 PM'] Venial sins arne't neccessarily to be confessed. Pornogrpahy, if not looked at for lustful reaosns, probably isn't considered grave matter.

God bless,

Mikey [/quote]
Yes it is (unless it is NECESSARY, such as in an investigation)! That is just the point: regardless of your "intent", horoscopes, pornography, etc. are mortal sins, period, in their very nature. It is intrinsically sinful to read them at all. It is NEVER necessary to read horoscopes, unlike sometimes it is necessary to look at pornography, for example, for an investigation, which was noted already.

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Guest JeffCR07

Please respond to my five point critique of such an opinion that can be found on page 3, towards the bottom.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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[quote]1.) Is reading a horoscope a sin?

Yes, I believe reading a horoscope, in all matters and instances, is a sin, due to the fact that the action of reading a horoscope is on both the supernatural and natural levels a disordered one.[/quote]

Agreed, of course.

[quote]2.) What kind of sin is reading a horoscope?

This depends on the definition of the term "reading." I maintain that "reading" a horoscope can be done in two ways, each with a different end result. The first way is if by "reading" we mean "consulting." The second way is if one is not seriously consulting it, but rather, is merely reading the words on the page. Now, lets discuss my stance on these two definitions.[/quote]

On what basis do you find this to be true? Is the sin merely in loss of Faith? I would say it is not. The Church condemned in the Forbidden Books list heretical books and evil books, as you know. It was considered by the Church a MORTAL SIN to read any of them for any reason (except to debunk the heresy, which was allowed only with actually permission from the local Bihsop or Pope himself). In fact, most examinations of conscience have maintained that this is a mortal sin in its very nature (at least pre-modernism, even many after the fact, up to the Council). Furthermore, we can take a comparable example. Is looking at pornography (and not commiting lust) a mortal sin in its very nature? Yes it is, UNLESS it is, as I wrote, absolutely necessary, as in an investigation. The same is true of horoscopes. Even if one does not commit the worst part of the sin (in this case loss of Faith, in pornography, lust) it is still a mortal sin unless it is necessary (in pornography for an investigation, etc., in horoscopes there is no reason). You could claim that a reason to read a horoscope is to disprove it by following what it says not to do and showing that it did not come true. Yes, that COULD be done and it would not be a mortal sin (it would be the same as the detective with the pornography), but that is not what we are debating. First of all, no one really thinks they are true (or very few people do). Most people read them "for laughs", etc., which is the issue. Secondly, that does not affect whether or not it is in itself a mortal sin to read horoscopes. Therefore, it is clear, as far as I can tell in light of the conclusion considering a related offense (merely looking at but not lusty at pornography) and in light of the Church's forbidden books ruling, that we cannot read horoscopes for any reason other than to debunk it (which is not only virtually unneccessary but also seldom the case) without incurring pain of mortal sin.

[quote]3.) What kind of sin is "reading" a horoscope?

This, as defined above, is a venial sin, because no "grave matter" is present, due to the fact that the person's faith remains solely in Christ and the action of reading does not gravely impact this fact. However, we must note that it is clearly a venial sin, as can be witnessed by the fact that, as many have pointed out, people who casually read them may find their thoughts flirting back to it throughout the day, thus displaying its intrinsically disordered nature (as all venial sins are).[/quote]

See number 2.

[quote]4.) What kind of sin is "consulting" a horoscope?

In this case, the reading of a horoscope is of a grave nature, because it directly places one's faith in something other than the Godhead. This is a clear violation of the First Commandment, and, as such, kills the life of grace within an individual.[/quote]


[quote]5.) Can the blanket statement be made that "reading a horoscope is a mortal sin?

No, such a statement would, as I see it, be incorrect, as it does not account for the venial nature of the sin set forth in point 3, unless, of course, it is stipulated that "reading" is defined strictly as illustrated in point 4.[/quote]

See number 2.

God bless (which I can say because you are Catholic :D )

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