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Fighting Planned Parenthood


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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 12 2004, 02:03 PM'] Haven't read the whole list, but I can't effectively boycott Microsoft nor Adobe. I use Adobe Photoshop which is [b]thee[/b] most advance digital imaging program in existence, and I need it for what I'm doing.

If I had an equal alternative (or better), I would switch. [/quote]
I'm in the same boat, but purchase many licenses and will be in touch with the companies I buy/ bought from that I request they ceases their support of PP.

If they choose not to, then I will have to seek an alternative that isn't in direct conflict with my religious beliefs.

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 12 2004, 04:54 PM'] Would it be a mortal sin to own Windows, or continue using it? [/quote]
I'm assuming you can't get your money back, but I would think of ways not to have use MS products into the future where you must re-buy.

We're on Macs and just have IE as a back up (we use Safari exclusively). At one point I was proud to have a Mircosoft-free environment.

Anyway, you had no prior knowledge, as I didn't until today and need to see how this is to be handled.

My first instinct is to contact these companies and state the obvious and see what comes of it (especially with Adobe).

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='StMichael' date='Oct 12 2004, 02:01 PM'] Make'em aware and see how they move away from Adobe. [/quote]
Again, at this point in the publishing industry, the only way to get OCP or others to move away from Adobe software is for there to be viable alternatives and, most of all, printing presses supporting viable platforms that aren't Adobe. A simple boycott is not realistic until alternatives come about, and you will not see people move away until those alternatives are there.

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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Oct 12 2004, 05:08 PM'] Again, at this point in the publishing industry, the only way to get OCP or others to move away from Adobe software is for there to be viable alternatives and, most of all, printing presses supporting viable platforms that aren't Adobe. A simple boycott is not realistic until alternatives come about, and you will not see people move away until those alternatives are there. [/quote]
You seem to simply want to throw you hands up in the air and give in.

Instead of using InDesign use QuarkXpress (which is the print production standard anyway).

Everything else can be anything that can create eps, tif's etc.

I believe Corel has a rival suite, again if you are doing print production, Quark is the standard which is a non-adobe product.

Adobe After Effects is not longer needed as programs like Final Cut Pro HD have incorported live motion, etc.

Web work, use Macromedia (dreamweaver, flash, etc.).

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='StMichael' date='Oct 12 2004, 05:18 PM'] You seem to simply want to throw you hands up in the air and give in.

No, I'm not advocating defeatism. I am simply pointing out the realities of how Adobe-centric the publication and graphic design field is.

I find such activism to praiseworthy, but on the other hand, I find it alarming the scrupulous idea that you're advocating abortion and going to hell simply because you sent someone a PDF, or you bought a Snickers bar at the store.

My biggest question is, where are the Catholics voting for life, and in doing so, working to put a stop to tax-dollar abortions, and making abortion illegal? That to me is a bigger problem and a more immediate and effective solution.

Paladin, IMO no you are not committing mortal sin, unless you were using Windows because they support PP.

I believe we are getting into the area of remote and immediate vs. formal and material cooperation with evil. Someone else might have better information on this matter than I do, and I would be curious to know what their thoughts are.

All my respect.

Edited by Ash Wednesday
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Ash Wednesday

Anyway I didn't mean to downplay the merits of boycotting. But I have concerns with regards to the kinds of things scrupulous Catholics have to deal with, day in and day out -- like a Catholic reader who wrote into Scrupulous Anonymous asking if they were in a state of mortal sin because they made purchases at a drug store that also sold condoms.

However, I will review and consider Corel products. I'm already in :heart: with Macromedia's.

Here is something I found at the American Life League that I find helpful with regards to Paladin's question.


[quote]Prudence guides those involved in cooperation to estimate questions of intention, duress, distance, necessity, and gravity. In making a judgment about cooperation, it is essential that the possibility of scandal should be eliminated. Appropriate consideration should also be given to the Church's prophetic responsibility. [/quote]

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Funny thing is that the copies of software we use in my house are cracked copies and do not support Microsoft even adobe... I know that it's a bad thing cause it is stealing, but go tell my dad that... he wouldn't care... <_<

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Oct 12 2004, 07:03 PM'] Funny thing is that the copies of software we use in my house are cracked copies and do not support Microsoft even adobe... I know that it's a bad thing cause it is stealing, but go tell my dad that... he wouldn't care... <_< [/quote]
Tell your dad that supporting software piracy makes software more expensive for those of us that actually pay for it.

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