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Moral Films vs. Immoral Films

White Knight

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Well I'm tired of Christian Films, seeming to fairy Taleish, All Christian Films I believe need to show the Reality of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This may sound crazy, but if you think about it, most of the Bible's Material is Rated R, why can't the Christian movies now days be rated R? I'm sick of people hearing that you souldn't go to a Rated R Film, because some such and such, Now I DISAGREE about Nudity, Cursing, Faul Humor, but Volience, theres so much Volience in the Bible, Volience I'd be willing to accept more in Christian movies, because we gotta capture the reality/realism of the issue. The Others, Nudity, Cursing, I wont deal with it, but in my opinion Christian Films sould be ethier PG-13 or Rated R.

I plan to make Christian Films as well, with my friend Paladin, someday, and we both plan to boost the Quality of Christian Films/Moral Films.

Edited by White Knight
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I think the best movies are stories about people, real people, people who I know. I don't mean that I just like home movies about my friends but I like movies that tell stories that I believe because I've experienced what's on the screen. I don't really like classifing movies into moral and immoral for that reason. Frankly, I am broken (as is everyone) so showing someone on the screen who is broken shouldn't be such a big deal. If I was a film maker that would be my goal, to tell a story within the media I'd chosen.

I really like movies like The Breakfast Club and Garden State and Ferris Beuhler because I know those kids, I am those kids. Life isn't about being perfect, it's about trying to be better. Art immitates life, tells the story of a life.

Just as a side note: I do think some movies are immoral, but it is because they are completely inappropiate (pornography and movies that want to be).

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how about the butterfly effect
i loved that movie
it tied into Christ alot i thought
it also shows Christ in a couple differnt ways
like I thought the authentic Christ was the one presented in jail
where as the water'd down Christ was the one when he was in the wheel chair without the arms
I loved that movie......props to ashton for that flick

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Oct 19 2004, 06:26 PM'] I plan to make Christian Films as well, with my friend Paladin, someday, and we both plan to boost the Quality of Christian Films/Moral Films. [/quote]

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 20 2004, 05:26 AM'] I agree with most of your points, though I would say Christian music is pretty much even with secular music. How about Demon Hunter, PiLLaR, Kutless, Skillet, POD, and etc? There are [b]MANY[/b] Christian bands out there of all genres, and it's amazing how some are more popular than secular bands. For example, [b]PiLLaR[/b] has a song out called [i]"Bring Me Down"[/i] that is playing on some of the most popular rock stations in the country, ranking in the top 5 or 10 (sometimes even 1st).

Being one who is into film and planning on becoming a screenwriter and director, it's sad [b]but true[/b] that most Christian films are more like B-movies. It's sad how most Christian films are pretty terrible, not to mention [b]corny[/b]. What happened to the great classic Christian films such as [b]Ben-Hur[/b] or [b]The Ten Commandments[/b]? Both starring Charles Heston.

If God wills it (still discerning between this and the priesthood), I plan on making high-quality Christian films. Some will be direct (such as a story of a Saint), or allegorial/symbolic (like LOTR). [/quote]
Well I personally haven't heard of any of these bands, maybe cos they haven't gone "international" or something like that...I dunno. But we do have the Hillsong people like Darlene Zschech (pronounced "check", I think), who are alright, but she's not really my cup of tea.

I totally agree with the whole B-movie thing. [b]We need more creative Christians[/b]. If anyone has an idea, I'll be more than glad to put pen to paper, or act in it.

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Barbara Nicolosi has a few articles in recent Nat'l Catholic Register editions which address that need for creative Christians

and did anybody read the article "Catholics and R rated movies" in the newest ThisRock? very balanced

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Here is article by Steven Greydanus that was in This Rock mag:

[b]What Are the Decent Films?[/b]
Entertainment, Art, and Culture in Church Teaching

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well, this is funny.

I plan on going into Fine Arts Ministry.
I figure, if i can minister to and help build up artists of the Faith
who will challenge, motivate, and provoke thought of Christ,
they will in turn grow up and change the world.

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The Point is we need to get back to filmmaking that actually makes sense, that has a point a good point, that has morals, that has right and wrong, that has traditional values, none of this new immoral, sexual humor grap.

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White Knight,

I am a Christian actor who has not made it far due to my morals. I got out of the business of acting about 2 years ago, but now I feel God calling me back to ad good budget movies with good morals. I am planning on acting, directing and most likly producing and even writing my movies. I have spent time working with people like Al Onarato (he got JLO, Will Smith, Katie Holmes as well as many others) he coached me and taught me a lot of what I know. However when I went to Hollywood I found myself turning down jobs cause I would not do sex or cussing. I agree with you on the violence issue. People are affected different with some film violence verses sex and cussing. I just wanted to write you this to let you know there are people out here that feel the same as you. The thing is to make a movie that is fairly good you could end up spending $10 million. Now I am trying to get one going for a first as cheap as $2 million but this will include me acting, writing, directing and producing the film lots of work for one person and I can not do it alone. This also figures in I will use all new actors and will have to train many. I want high quality and I am going to go to NY Academy of Film for a training program to help me do this.

Also where are you in life? College? Work? HS? And what do you plan to do? Do you want to make movies? Or be a Stunt Coordinator (I ask that cause of your interest in swords and weapons)?

In Christ, Michael

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[quote name='flip' date='Oct 18 2004, 10:25 PM']

I saw the Gospel of John and it wasn't a good movie. I do not think it was done well and it didn't impact me

I heard the St. Therese movie was the same way. I can't judge it though, because I haven't seen it.

All the Left Behind movies were TERRIBLE.

Honestly, most Christian art smells of elderberries. Most Christian theatre makes me gag. Most Christian movies make me gag.

Christian visual art is amazing, however, on the whole, Christian music is steps behind secular music. Why is THIS???
Therese need more put into filming. They use low budget cameras and the script was too jumpy. Acting was ok not my favorite to theater for me but it was ok. I don’t want to sound rude but this is the truth. Gospel of John saw enough in the first 20 min. Same old, same old. Left behind ummmmmm as for that it was just to out there. "Mark of the Beast" what was up with that? Christian movies are lost! Their screen writers have no fresh ideas and they make Christian look to be boring people in an exciting world. I want to make movies that are entertaining however moral messages have in them. I am sorry to say you can't make a movie that’s focus is not to entertain but to evangelize unless your name is Mel Gibson and you have $25 million to spend on it. I want movies that are about normal people and how their faith gets them through life. I am sick of the end of the world stuff, it’s over played. We need good entertaining movies with clean language and no sex that have good morals in them. There soul purpose can not be to convert but to put a question in ones mind, that’s it. The people must leave the movie feeling good and feeling like they did not just waist 2 hours and $9.00. But I do disagree with the quality of Christian music. I think it is good.

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