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Hello all, I have returned to Phatmass after a long, 60 day, suspension. In fact, I had a 60 day suspension, was on Phatmass for 2 days, and received another 60 day suspension. Most of you who know me would probably consider this a little over-the-top to say the least, and I had even planned quitting Phatmass because of this sort of treatment, but, alas, I have returned for various reasons, but I will most likely be participating in moderation in some sense of the word. In any event, I simply wanted to wish everyone a good day and announce my return to the phorums. I hope there is much interesting debate being continued (as there was my last time I was on the phorum).


N.B., there was an error in my original idea of how long the suspension was

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[quote name='amarkich' date='Nov 16 2004, 10:43 AM'] Hello all, I have returned to Phatmass after a long (I think 90 day) suspension. In fact, I had a 90 day suspension, was on Phatmass for 2 days, and received another 90 day suspension. Most of you who know me would probably consider this a little over-the-top to say the least, and I had even planned quitting Phatmass because of this sort of treatment, but, alas, I have returned for various reasons, but I will most likely be participating in moderation in some sense of the word. In any event, I simply wanted to wish everyone a good day and announce my return to the phorums. I hope there is much interesting debate being continued (as there was my last time I was on the phorum).

Adam [/quote]
Adam, welcome. I don't think I was very active when you were on before so we are not well aquainted. Hop in on my circumcision and Acts 15 thread. Try catch up on the discussion if you have time. I am interested in your thoughts.



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I think one of the biggest lures of PM is that it's not too big (like Catholic.com) and not too small (like mine).

You don't always have to surf for pages after pages to find what you need to reply to after posting.

You don't get swamped with dozens of people trying to argue with you... etc...

God Bless,

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[quote name='amarkich' date='Nov 16 2004, 12:43 PM'] Hello all, I have returned to Phatmass after a long (I think 90 day) suspension. In fact, I had a 90 day suspension, was on Phatmass for 2 days, and received another 90 day suspension. Most of you who know me would probably consider this a little over-the-top to say the least, and I had even planned quitting Phatmass because of this sort of treatment, but, alas, I have returned for various reasons, but I will most likely be participating in moderation in some sense of the word. In any event, I simply wanted to wish everyone a good day and announce my return to the phorums. I hope there is much interesting debate being continued (as there was my last time I was on the phorum).

Adam [/quote]
Sept 15 to Nov 15 is 90 days? :rolleyes:

Welcome back Adam

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Thanks for the heads-up thessalonian. Also, I agree completely Ironmonk. That is very true. Cmom, sorry for the incorrect information, I will edit the post; I do not know what I was confusing it with (perhaps another forum where I have been blocked :) ).

N.B., in actuality, I do not participate in any forums other than Phatmass :)

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I didn't have enough caffeine this morning. I assumed your math was correct and my brain was wrong. I was waiting for a response that I couldn't count :D

Catholic Answers can be a fun forum as well.

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Haha, no, I was just wrong on the dates. I have been to Catholic Answers a few times, and they have a huge spectrum from (a good number of) Traditionalists all the way to atheists, so there are all kinds of issues that present themselves. I am more interested in dogmatic theology than practical scientific questions; a lot of the Catholic Answers stuff has to do with evolution, big bang, basic arguments for the existence of God, etc, but they, too, have some good theological discussions. The sad thing there is that (because of their huge spectrum of religions, etc) you will find a fairly large number of dissident Catholics, or so-called "liberal Catholics" that are not dissident (at least by their standards) that want to introduce things like married priests into the Latin Rite and other things like that. In any event, I have found Phatmass to be my favorite forum. Interestingly enough, an (extreme) ultramontanist girl that went to my "Catholic" school posted a link to Phatmass on her Xanga site a few days ago, so I guess Phatmass is growing more than I have realized. I do not think he has created an account on the forums here; it was a general link to the homepage, so it may have been for the other resources. Good day, Cmom.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 16 2004, 10:47 AM']  [/quote]
"Sept 15 to Nov 15 is 90 days? :rolleyes: "

You know how it is when they hunger and thirst for the truth. A day is like forever to them.


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Guest JeffCR07

Adam, God Bless and Welcome Back! I'm not as active as I used to be, what with school and all, but its great to see you again, and I hope we can have some little debates like in the old days ;)

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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