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the BEST diet soda


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Ok, there r so many Diet Dr.Pepper, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Edge, Diet Mountain Dew, etc..which do yall think is the best tasting. I have 2 lay off regular sodas becuz imma trying to get a 6 pack and its not good for my workout haha. :cool: I think Diet Dr.Pepper is the worst by far, but Mountain Dew Diet is pretty good. Anyone try Pepsi Edge?

Wats the best Non Calorie drink

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Nov 28 2004, 04:00 PM'] I hate aspertame... :P [/quote]
yes, 'tis of the devil. *grins* that should clear things up . . . you support diet soda, you support the devil! lol see if anyone else posts a preferred diet soda! ;)

Joe :)

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[quote name='MagiDragon' date='Nov 28 2004, 04:09 PM'] yes, 'tis of the devil. *grins* that should clear things up . . . you support diet soda, you support the devil! lol see if anyone else posts a preferred diet soda! ;)

Joe :) [/quote]
:o hmm.....i resent that.

try being a diabetic who can ONLY drink DIET.

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I hate to say this to you S4H but just because your diabetic doesn't mean you HAVE to drink diet coke. Its just not worse exposing yourself to all the harmful things to your body.
I would just go without coke and find something else to drink or start bugging the big soda industries about using aspertame in their products.

I don't drink any diet or low calorie I just drink caffeine free stuff like root beer or juice or something, I can't have too much sugar or caffeine anyway.

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[quote name='DancesforLove' date='Nov 28 2004, 07:26 PM'] I hate to say this to you S4H but just because your diabetic doesn't mean you HAVE to drink diet coke. Its just not worse exposing yourself to all the harmful things to your body.
I would just go without coke and find something else to drink or start bugging the big soda industries about using aspertame in their products.

I don't drink any diet or low calorie I just drink caffeine free stuff like root beer or juice or something, I can't have too much sugar or caffeine anyway. [/quote]
Excuse me for getting defensive here, but yes I do. I'm not gonna be the one to end up screwing over my blood sugar which will later result in diabetic complications such as blindness, kidney failure, amputation, and heart disease just to name a few. So don't go there. I grew up with a diabetic father who is completely blind in one eye, 80% blind in the other has had many heart attacks, and also a below the knee amputation. I may have the choice to drink diet or regular, but no, I CAN'T drink regular, because I refuse to follow in my father's footsteps.

THAT'S worse then aspertame.

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[quote name='Soldier4Him' date='Nov 28 2004, 06:11 PM']:o hmm.....i resent that.

try being a diabetic who can ONLY drink DIET.

:angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:[/quote]
dude, settle down. many people believe that aspartame has harmful side effects, and that the side effects outweigh the benefit of consuming anything with it as an ingredient.

and you *do* have an option: you can drink water like me. There's no sin involved, and it's been proven to have rather mild side effects. In fact, i've even heard that it's superior to pop in its thirst quenching capacity. ;)

don't take me so seriously next time i say something that obviously isn't true. No one thinks that you support the devil by through aspartame.

Joe :)

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Homemade green tea with sweet and low.

Tea is a natural diuretic which means you won't retain water like you do after drinking pop. Pop also leaches minerals OUT of your bones, which can contribute to osteoporosis and bad bones.

If you want to stay healthy, stay away from pop.

cmom [ who also has a diabetic family]

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