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Patron Saint Of Phatmass?


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[quote name='Mari Therese' post='1782418' date='Feb 16 2009, 10:10 AM']Blessed James Alberione, for his use of modern media, music, and art to proclaim the Faith. He was also didn't sacrafice tradition for his forward-thinking an innovative ideas, and loved Jesus in the Eucharist sooo much.[/quote]

I like it. seems to fit all the requirments

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[quote name='immaculata' post='41139' date='Oct 15 2003, 03:05 PM']How about St. Maximilian Kolbe? He was definately brave- and he took full advantage of modern media to spread the faith. If he was still around today, I'm sure St. Max would have a website!![/quote]

St. Kolbe also had a wonderful devotion to Our Lady.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1782576' date='Feb 16 2009, 04:59 PM']IAWTC

St. Kolbe also had a wonderful devotion to Our Lady.[/quote]

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+Praised be Jesus Christ!

I second (or third) St. Joseph. After all, he is the patron of the Church.

But like all before me, so many to consider...

St. Michael seems very appropriate as well, given the way the internet is commonly used.

Edited by TradMom
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I have to agree with St. Catherine of Alexandria [url="http://www.ewtn.com/library/mary/catherin.htm"]St. Catherine of Alexandria from EWTN[/url]

I also think that Venerable (he might be Blessed now, I'm not sure) John Henry Newman would be great as an intercessor of Phatmass as well.

God bless-

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[quote name='immaculata' post='41139' date='Oct 15 2003, 03:05 PM']How about St. Maximilian Kolbe? He was definately brave- and he took full advantage of modern media to spread the faith. If he was still around today, I'm sure St. Max would have a website!![/quote]

St. Maximilian Kolbe. most recent, modern, used the media, "patron of our troubled generation", Marian to the max.

- defense of the faith - inspired by the freemasons invading the Vatican, used the media to the max.
- technology - most current forms of all media at the time. if alive, no doubt he would use the net.
- orthodoxy - given. strong focus on laying the smack down on the modern secular/political world, "culture of death" if you will.
- music (using popular music to spread the faith) - had radio stations. not sure if there was pop music..
- popular culture - all forms of media. no internet at the time, but today those with him as their patron use the net heavily ([url="http://www.airmaria.com"]www.airmaria.com[/url])
- fun - not sure, but he had lots of young friars, and two FI friars were almost pro skateboarders.. "evangelization by any means necessary!".
- humor - not sure, but again he had lots of young friars.
- art - lots of religious art in his publishings, and lots of art inspired by his example in Auschwitz.

so St. Max - patron of drug addicts, families, journalists, prisoners, pro-life movement. heavy use of popular media. a brutal martyrdom. many young followers in apostolic communities with tons of zeal today making heavy use of the net and media.

at one time he had the largest friary in the world with 700+ Franciscan friars, all like a spiritual army ready to be led by Our Lady into battle. talk about the Church Militant!

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[quote name='rose wrought of iron' post='1785049' date='Feb 18 2009, 10:15 PM']Maria Goretti!!!! :)) :)) :))

...'cause, let's face it, she's awesome :))[/quote]

Yes she is!!!! :)) :)) :))

I thought our patron was Josemaria Escriva, though?

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