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Pro-gay Colleges

Guest kel2343

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Guest kel2343

who cares if these colleges are pro-gay. when will people pull there heads from there ass and realize its not 1950 anymore but 2006 people have differences so stop being stereotypical i think people are truely sick and need to stop caring so much about other peoples views on things...ypur not gay good for you but other people can be and this is coming from someone who 100% striaght so why dont u keep your opinions to yourself because im sure the bible wants some peace and your not helping it so why dont you read in between the lines

im sorry if this offends you but your remarks truely offend me

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Welcome to Phatmass. Please don't take the ensuing ramble personally...I have a bad case of late night insommia.

For starters, I'm not sure that you are on the right philosophical plane for debate here. Your post seems to discount the presence of absolute truth. In other words you're looking at this debate as us (pro-gay "rights" supporters) vs. them (those of us who do not hold that view). That type of debate is entirely subjective and based on personal feelings. (There's nothing wrong with having feelings and opinions, but when we allow changing and fickle opinions to interfere with our reasoning, things get dangerous.) If we debate on our personal feelings holding them as our own personal truth, who is to say who is right? Me? You? The majority? Some poor deranged man in a mental insitute? Are we all right? Then why bother discussing at all? In a world based on feelings, thoughts and intuitions anything goes. This is how we get some of the worst atrocities in history. In other words, when morality is treated as subjective someone who feels that Jews are inferior has no reason not to go out and kill six million of them.

What we should be asking is, "What is the truth?" What is true is based on natural law and is objective.

Long story short: Down with the dictatorship of relativism!

Wow. Notice I said all of that without bringing in any religion. These are all things any philosophy teacher worth their salt will teach you. Yes, even the liberal ones.

Anyway, back on topic. Catholics believe that the truth subsists in the Catholic Church. We know what the church has to say about homosexuality. Our concern for the issue therefore is not based on a arrogant head-up-our-rears personal feeling. As result, we have a right, no- a duty, to speak the truth whether it offends people or not. ( I will concede that many times this is not done as charitably as it should, but I don't think that this is the case here. I will also add that someone else's lack of charity in the proclamation of the truth does nothing to negate your responsibilty to continue to spread the truth.)

That was the short version of the reason why we care so much. If I go any further, I'll have to write a book.

As for what the Bible says, I'm not an expert but Sodom and Gemorrah is a place to start. Also, the Gospels support the idea of fraternal correction which would apply here.

Anyone who knows more than I do can feel free to add/clarify...


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[quote name='Dave' post='41242' date='Oct 15 2003, 06:28 PM']
Blake School, The Hopkins MN [/quote]

:blink: To my knowledge, that's a college prep school, not a college. None of the other MN ones surprised me at all....

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[quote name='kel2343' post='1017356' date='Jul 5 2006, 01:03 AM']
who cares if these colleges are pro-gay. when will people pull there heads from there ass and realize its not 1950 anymore but 2006 people have differences so stop being stereotypical i think people are truely sick and need to stop caring so much about other peoples views on things...ypur not gay good for you but other people can be and this is coming from someone who 100% striaght so why dont u keep your opinions to yourself because im sure the bible wants some peace and your not helping it so why dont you read in between the lines

im sorry if this offends you but your remarks truely offend me
Christian morality does not change, whether the year is 50 A.D., 1950, or 2050.

It's ironic that you talk about the Bible here. Have you even read the Bible? Homosexuality is explicitly condemned a number of times in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
[quote]Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers [b]nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind [/b] nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God. [/quote]

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" (Leviticus 18:22).

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them" (Leviticus 20:13).

"There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel" (Deuteronomy 23:17)

And, about the Bible wanting "peace":
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
(Matthew 10:34-36)

Edited by Socrates
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My school is on there. I'm okay with that.

Also The Bible doesn't say anything about lesbianism...

"im sorry if this offends you but your remarks truely offend me"
-I'm right there with ya kid.
And Hyper I miss you, but you're right this is taxing.

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Yeah but lesbians don't "lie with mankind, as with womankind"... if you're going to be quoting the Bible. I'm just making a point. (Which is girls can do what they want because God didn't say no.)

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[quote name='track2004' post='1018091' date='Jul 5 2006, 09:38 PM']
Yeah but lesbians don't "lie with mankind, as with womankind"... if you're going to be quoting the Bible. I'm just making a point. (Which is girls can do what they want because God didn't say no.)
[quote]"For this cause God gave them up into vile affections: [b]for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature[/b]: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet"[/quote] (Romans 1:26, 27).

Unnatural vice is condemned here in women as well as men.

And besides, fornication (sexual activity outside marriage) is repeatedly condemned as sinful in the New Testament, as is lust.

It has also been the constant teaching of the Catholic Church that male as well as female homosexuality is gravely sinful.

Neither the Bible nor the Church gives a pass for lesbianism.

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[quote name='jrob8503' post='41273' date='Oct 15 2003, 08:20 PM']
Then why don't you pay my tuition and send me to a Catholic school.

they are likely to be worse

add Old DOminion University to that list -- my alma mater

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Ash Wednesday

I actually find schools that masquerade under the guise of being "Catholic" when they really aren't so in practice to be more vexatious than some public school that is pretty up front about where they stand on these things.

I've read that a great deal of Catholic students graduating from Catholic universities (with the exception of a few good ones like Ave Maria, or Steubenville) had a greater suspicion or hostility towards the Church than those that went to a public university.

Most universities these days public and private are ran by old baby boomer hippies with "agendas." Nuff said.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I could never quite get on the anti-gay bandwagon. While its true that the church does not condone the act and neither do I, I simply dont care about the issue to do anything about it. See, I budget issues, some issues are high up their (abortion being one of my top cares) while gays are quite low on the list (I just dont care what they do in their spare time). Unlike abortion which kills an inocent, same-sex stuff is between two people guilty of the same thing of their own accord. As for pro-gay colleges, I wonder what these "same-sex benifits" are? If it is an unfair benifit to being gay over straight, then you may have gotten my intrest.

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[quote name='2xbob' post='1038540' date='Aug 6 2006, 04:40 AM']
I could never quite get on the anti-gay bandwagon. While its true that the church does not condone the act and neither do I, I simply dont care about the issue to do anything about it. See, I budget issues, some issues are high up their (abortion being one of my top cares) while gays are quite low on the list (I just dont care what they do in their spare time). Unlike abortion which kills an inocent, same-sex stuff is between two people guilty of the same thing of their own accord. As for pro-gay colleges, I wonder what these "same-sex benifits" are? If it is an unfair benifit to being gay over straight, then you may have gotten my intrest.
read the book Criminalization of Christianity you will certianly change your mind. homosexuality/feminism and Abortion are all tied together.

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[quote name='2xbob' post='1038540' date='Aug 6 2006, 04:40 AM']
I could never quite get on the anti-gay bandwagon. While its true that the church does not condone the act and neither do I, I simply dont care about the issue to do anything about it. See, I budget issues, some issues are high up their (abortion being one of my top cares) while gays are quite low on the list (I just dont care what they do in their spare time). Unlike abortion which kills an inocent, same-sex stuff is between two people guilty of the same thing of their own accord. As for pro-gay colleges, I wonder what these "same-sex benifits" are? If it is an unfair benifit to being gay over straight, then you may have gotten my intrest.
read the book Criminalization of Christianity you will certianly change your mind. homosexuality/feminism and Abortion are all tied together.

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