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Rose Stories


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hey sorry meg ill definitely post my story tomorrow. im way tired. look for it though...ill post it.

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I had never heard of the Rose Novena until one day the other thread was posted. So, i decided that i would pray to St. Therese for an answer to a question i've been begging for a clear sign to. On New Year's Eve was the 5th day. when i went to a New Year's party at the church for the youth, one of the kids had drawn a rose on the board. Yet, i continued to pray the Novena. i honestly needed St. Therese to give me a rose, not just on a chalkboard, but a rose that was mine that i would know b/c this request is one that will affect my future. So, tonight i got home and my aunt from Maryland had sent a present home with my mom. I opened it. and to my surprise, it was a cross votive with roses going up the center of the cross. i was on the phone iwth a friend and just started crying. i could not believe my eyes. i was afraid to admit to my friend what had just happened yet at the same time i could not contain myself. with joy in my heart and tears in my eyes i shared with my friend what had just happened---it was BEAUTIFUL!!! The Lord is faithful even when we are of little faith!!! Praise God!!!

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I saw her movie a while ago

IM here for the highjackin ... this is my thred now ... so stick em up .. or tacos, so very tasty and good for you, will be droped and no one will eat them

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I'm not sure how to pray the novena, but I'd like to try! It actually makes me excited hearing your stories, like my favourite TV show is on, or I've got a jar of Nutella and a spoon.

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Jan 3 2005, 04:34 AM'] I'm not sure how to pray the novena, but I'd like to try! It actually makes me excited hearing your stories, like my favourite TV show is on, or I've got a jar of Nutella and a spoon. [/quote]
O Little Therese of the Child Jesus,
please pick for me a rose
from the heavenly gardens
and send it to me as a message of love.

O Little Flower of Jesus,
ask God today to grant the favours
I now place with confidence in your hands...

(Mention your intentions here...)

Saint Therese,
help me to always believe as you did,
in God's great love for me,
so that I might imitate your "Little Way" each day.

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Here's my story:

I started my novena on Christmas Eve, the same day I sang my solo for Midnight Mass. I prayed for just two things, one thing extremely personal that I won't share, and one still personal but I will share. My panrents aren't really supportive of a lot of the things I wish to do with my life and so I asked that they have a conversion of heart, especially my father, so that they might love and support my work for the Church. I said my prayer every day with much confidence. I wanted my prayers to be heard so badly. I was so scared. All 9 days passed and suprisingly enough I was no longer anxious to receive my rose. I just wanted my dad's heart to be changed. That's all I wanted. Well this past sunday my family and I were asked to bring up the Gifts. After the profession of faith we all walked to the back of the church and got in place to carry them down the aisle. At the same time we were getting ready and waiting for the ushers to finish collecting the money, my choir director, Michael, squeezed his way through people in the back with crying babies, one thing he cannot stand. Before he got through the double doors my dad leaned over to me and said, "whatever is the will of God I am here to support you for now and always." I thought that was so completely random. Maybe a minute later is when I saw Michael standing there with a rose and a card. The card also had a rose on it. He said to me: "I meant to give this to you on Christmas Eve" (the card) and he said he had picked up the flower this morning on his was to the 730 Mass so I might want to get it in water soon. Later I opened the card and it said, "Wherever you are, I am with you." It was scribbled in Michaels handwriting and just below was that he couldn't remember or find the exact verse but that God was by my side and to never lose hope in the good of His plan. Was this St. Therese answering my prayers? I'd like to believe so.

God bless,
Laura Thomas

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First off J.R.D. you cannot hijack this thread. I need it. so there

Second I love the stories. They really help. I am waiting for a rose. I made my request real specific because I really need God to smack me upside the head. It is for a real important intention so I am hoping that I will get it soon.

Anyway, Laura, I love you story.

All of the stories give me hope and renew it so please keep the stories coming.

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