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[quote name='Scofizzle' date='Feb 9 2005, 12:31 AM']I was once told by someone of great knowledge...that the Catholic Church does not recognize mormans or not so much Mormans but the morman church as Christians because they don't believe in the Holy Trinity....Is this true?[/quote]
There's debate about that one. We don't believe in the Trinity as it is, but instead our Godhead model is more of an assembly of three exalted beings---Heavenly Father (God), Jehovah (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost. It isn't much different except in that we make a distinction between the God of Abraham (the LORD, Jehova) and God the Father (Ylohim) from the Hebrew Scriptures. Of course, there are many protestant denominations that call into question the origins of the Trinity as well, and the Catholic church still accepts their baptisms. They do not, however, consider LDS baptisms "Christian," presumably because of the lack of teaching the Holy Trinity, even though they are performed in a manner that's fairly similar to those of other churches. (See [url="http://scriptures.lds.org/dc/20/72-74#72"]D&C 20:72-74 for the prayer and procedure as given in the scriptures.[/url] )

On the other hand, I am beginning to see quite a bit more respect between the two Churches, and I would not be suprised if this changes soon (I do believe that it is up to local authorities, for the most part, so this may be gradual). See [url="http://www.fairlds.org/apol/misc/misc21.html"]here for one example.[/url]

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