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Hypothetically speaking


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If through a discovery in archeology or other form of science, Jesus was in fact proven not to be God, but just a man who claimed He was God, would you continue to practice the Catholic religion?

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

It's a difficult question. It would be scientific 'evidence' versus historically correct documents. I'd rather continue to live the Catholic faith than to not continue and find out that it was the right path all along.

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I don't think that's a fair question. 2 reasons:

1) Won't/can't happen... I'm not sure how you could prove that some is NOT God. You can't even really prove that I'm not god.

2) There actually is no second reason. I just don't think it's empirically or philosophically possible.

3) No, because it's been tried.

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Your post brings to mind the words from the prophet nilus in the 4th century:

"he will so complete science with vanity that it will go off the right path and lead people to lose faith in the existence of God in three hypostases. "

If it is "proven" to me then I will be one of the decieved. But by the grace of God, there go I I believe it was ignatious of Loyala said when looking at men going by in chains. By his grace I pray not to fall to such deception.


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:huh: there is no Catholic faith without Jesus as God. so I guess if it was really like, they went back in time and got a videotape confession from the time and it was Jesus laughing with His friends about how he's fooling everyone then I'd abandon Catholocism and Christianity of course. I first and foremost seek the truth. Edited by Aluigi
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[quote name='Phazzan' date='Feb 3 2005, 10:16 AM'] If through a discovery in archeology or other form of science, Jesus was in fact proven not to be God, but just a man who claimed He was God, would you continue to practice the Catholic religion? [/quote]
I think there was a novel written about this, in which Jesus' tomb and body is supposedly found, and the problems this creates. (I believe in the story, this eventually turned out to be a hoax.)

Since this is all hypothetical, it is rather pointless to spend time worrying about it.
If there was any such concrete evidence, it would have already long ago been used by Christianity's detractors.

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Scientific proof... well I don't think you can scientifically disprove Jesus' divinity.

But, since this is hypothetical, I would say that yes - of course I would stop believing. I don't believe in lies. Thats why I'm Catholic.

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Socrates jogged my memory and after much googling I found the book:
[url="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0840734247/qid=1107515616/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/103-8630144-2869414?v=glance&s=books&n=507846"]A Skeleton in God's Closet[/url]

An archaeologist discovers the find of the century: the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, proving the Gospels true. But then they find a note with it, written by Joseph, where he confesses that he removed the body of Christ from his tomb and put him in his own. So the body found is actually the body of Christ. Of course, global chaos ensues.

I found it quite entertaining and you can read the reviews. It ultimately has a Christ-affirming message. It is not written by a Catholic, but I would recommend it.

As for the hypothetical, if there were definitive proof that Christ was not divine, then yes, I would have to obey the truth. I would move slowly and carefully however, and listen to what the Church said about the discovery.

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In this hypothetical and absurd 'world', if the divinity of Christ was proven to be false I would head directly to the closest bar and would not leave for several days.

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