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The Roman catholic Priesthood..


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...is it set up like the priest hood in the old covenant? If this isn't clear enough, I'm talking about the old law, knowing we aren't bound by it. I'll build on this subject as this thread gets replies.

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Thy Geekdom Come

No, it is established in the New Covenant, in order to serve and minister to the common priesthood of believers, and was prefigured by the Old Covenant priesthood.

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Brother Adam

It is no more! Praise God. The old has past away and the new has come :D

As the Old Testament spoke of the coming Messiah, the Christ, in so many typological ways, so too was the new priesthood foreshadowed in the new.

As baptized Christians we share in Christ's Priestly, Prophetic, and Kingly missions.

"Come to him, to that living stone, rejected by men but in God's sight chosen and precious; and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood to offer SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES acceptable to God through JESUS CHRIST...you are a CHOSEN RACE, A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, GOD'S OWN PEOPLE, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light (1 Peter 2:4-5,9).

But the good news is Jesus didn't leave each to his own. When Jesus ascended into heaven he left us An Advocate who is with us always. And through Christ he has chosen that some will be ordained and will celebrate the perpetual sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist where Jesus Christ is "true food, true drink" (John 6:55-56). He gave to those special Apostles the Holy Spirit in a special way. Through their ordination they offer the sacrifice of Christ in persona christi. While Christ is among us spiritually, the priest act as a substitute until Christ comes again. (Acts 2:1-13) Praise God for his mighty works! :cool:

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the old priests were from the line of Aaron.

The new ones are of the line of Melchizedek. (the priest/king)

God went completely outside the old in establishing the new yet the new fulfills that of the old.

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where in Hebrews does it say anything about the preists today comming from the line of Melchizedek? I saw Hebrews relate Melchizedek high priest status to Christs, not us.

Brother Adam, what are the spiritual sacrifices mentioned in 1 Peter?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Catalyst' date='Apr 19 2005, 08:25 PM'] where in Hebrews does it say anything about the preists today comming from the line of Melchizedek? I saw Hebrews relate Melchizedek high priest status to Christs, not us. [/quote]
Priests in the Church act in persona Christi. Their priesthood is an extension of Christ's priesthood which underjoins it. Priests are ordained into the one priesthood of Christ.

Thus, we say that Catholic priests are "priests forever, in the order of Melchizedek."

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