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Creationism vs evolution


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No, there are a lot of kids out there that are not strong enough in faith to handle such an issue. This could stray them away from god. I would only agree to it if it was taught by a christian and christian beliefs were mixed with it. Even then the catholic churches stance on evolution is not strong enough to defend god in such a matter.

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I don't think that creationism needs to be stressed over evolution in schools, but I certainly think that other options should be offered as being equal to the evolution theory. Also, kids really should be taught that it is just a theory!

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The theory of evolution is exactly what it says...a theory. Now, microevolution (the pepper moths in England, Darwin's finches) has been proven, and I don't see what the big controversy over that stuff is, but macroevolution is the controversial stuff. I don't see the problem with discussing evolution, as long as the instructor makes it clear what is scientific fact and what is just theory. Whether humans and apes share a common ancestor may be impossible to prove or disprove.

With the way schools work nowadays, I can't see how instructors can teach creationism, besides mentioning that different religions have other ways to explain how life came about and how to explain the diversity of life on Earth.

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Someome had suggested that instead of teaching various creation myths. That they should detail the aspects of evolution which are controversial and are debated over. Creationism is not a science and shouldn't be taught in the classroom.

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Gonna side with Mel on this one but for entirely different reasons.

I don't think Creationism should be taught in public schools for one reason. Most teachers get it wrong. They either get it wrong because they don't believe in it, or they get it wrong because they are ignorant on it.

If a teacher doesn't understand algebra, (s)he should never stand in front of a class to teach it. Same thing with Creationism. It is irresponsible to teach on something you know nothing about.

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creationism, no, but i think because creationism isnt the entire truth. Like i said in the other thread.......I think creationism and evolution should be combined.

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