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Demons are aliens


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The UFO phenomenon is the first occultic comparison I wish to make. Now we all know what we see when we see UFOs, but what are they really? I have already affirmed that it is unlikely that most UFOs are physical objects. And while some UFO sightings can be explained by natural phenomena, misidentifications, or just plain hoaxes, often something is really there. The theory, which I support, is that the fallen angels are powerfully manipulating matter and energy to create the effect of flying craft. This process is known as transmogrification in the world of the occult, and is tied in with magic. Basically, a form of magic produces UFOs. This is explained in the following excerpt from a booklet on UFOs:

"However the UFO is produced, it is frequently of small dimensions - an area where an extremely large amount of energy is concentrated.... This energy can manifest pulsed light phenomena of a variety of colors, and apparently produce electromagnetic radiation that may distort mechanical operations and/or witnesses' perceptions." (2)

Remember that the fallen angels have been around for a very long time, since the initial creation of this world (Job 38:7). Not only were they given superhuman powers, but also they have had a long time to become masters of their trade of deception. We may not know exactly how they can do what they do, but we can be sure that they are the ones doing it.

There is another connection to be made between the fallen angels and the aliens of today. But before I discuss that, I want to make something perfectly clear:

the gods of mythology = fallen angels = demons = "aliens"

The aliens of today are powerfully creating the illusion that UFOs are actual physical craft. And we know that illusions are a vital part of the world of magic, as well as in the occult. So you'll be interested to know that, by some accounts, it was in fact the gods/fallen angels that first introduced magic into the world. We read of this in the apocryphal Book of Enoch:

"Amazarak taught all the sorcerers, and dividers of roots:Armers taught the solution of sorcery; Barkayal taught the astrologers; Akibeel taught signs...." (1 Enoch 8:3)

The teachers referred to in that verse were some of the 200 hundred evil angels which descended onto the earth (1 En 6:8) and began the spread of magic, and thus the occult. The connection to the gods of mythology is confirmed in this excerpt from a Bible dictionary:

"The employment of magic by gods as a means to achieve definite purposes is well attested in the Sumero-Akkadian and Canaanite religious literatures." (3)

This shows us that the fallen angels in fact, heavily influenced the characters of the gods in mythology. The dictionary went on to say that "the goddess Ishtar wore charms when she descended to the nether world." The connection I am making here may be understood by those who are familiar with the Marian apparition and Mary-entity phenomena. In the last century there has been a huge outbreak of appearances by an entity claiming to be the Virgin Mary. However, it seems much more likely that this Mary entity is synonymous with many of the goddesses of ancient mythology, such as Isis, Ishtar, Diana, and even the pagan-goddess Ashera, that is spoken of in the scriptures. 'The Way' admits as much. The connection made here is that the Mary-entity is still making use of magic, as was seen in the Fatima and Zeitoun, Cairo appearances of Mary.

This all shows that the same demonic beings which introduced magic and astrology into the world in the first place, continue to use it for their own purposes, mostly to deceive mankind. UFOs are all a part of the end time's deception that is currently preparing people to accept the Antichrist.

"The coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved." (2 Thess 9-10)

"For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and produce great signs and omens, to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." (Matt 24:24)

"It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of all; and by the signs it is allowed to perform on behalf of the beast, it deceives the inhabitants of the earth...." (Rev 13:13-14)

These passages clearly state that in the end times, there will be false signs associated with satanic forces and the Anti-Christ, and I believe we are already seeing some of these in the form of counterfeit UFOs. I discuss further the purpose of UFOs and the mission of the aliens in 'The Alien Objective'.

The occult has been with us throughout history, as we can see in the numerous Biblical accounts of pagan rituals and magic. Yet God's law has always forbidden any of these practices, and we know that God has not by any means changed His stance on the subject:

"No one shall be found among you who makes a son or daughter pass through fire, or who practices divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, or one who casts spells, or who consults ghosts or spirits, or who seeks oracles from the dead." (Deut 18:10-11)

This statement condemns people who "consult spirits" and "seek oracles from the dead", also known as mediums. These mediums have always been around, making contact with demons that impersonate the dead, and deceiving those that are ignorant and gullible. Yet this exact same practice continues to go on today, under a different name. In the world of New Age, these people are called "channelers" or alien "contactees". They are serving the same purpose to demons that mediums always have, and that purpose is to spread deception. The mediums/contactees of today are telling people that the demonic spirits they are making contact with are actually extraterrestrials, who desire to come and help our planet. The contactee movement is giving New Agers and many others the false impression that aliens are benevolent, and are coming to save this broken down world. But this is the farthest thing from the truth, as we have already seen. They are here merely to lead people from the truth about God and the Bible, and prepare this world to welcome the Antichrist as king.

The next subject to be discussed is Whitley Strieber, who has authored a very revealing series of books about the nature of aliens. These books tell us so much about aliens for one reason: the author is an alien abductee/contactee. He has assumed the role of one who has been deceived by these beings, into thinking that they are benign, despite the torture that he has undergone at their hands. His works reveal the true nature of aliens for what they are:

"[It] seemed almost to be a demon with a narrow face and dark, slanted eyes. It spoke to me in a high, squeaky voice." (4)

"I felt an indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there, and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, couldn't get away. I'd lie still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and
sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn't get away." (5)

Despite the fact that he knows what these creatures really are, he begins to welcome them and becomes convinced that contact with them is a positive experience:

"Again, though, I felt love. Despite all the ugliness and the terrible things that had been done, I found myself longing for them, missing them!" (6)

Demons are very very smart, and they have ways of attracting people to them, regardless of the torment that they might receive. Strieber is truly a victim of demonic possession, which we know about from the Bible. He has also become influenced by their anti-Christian declarations, as he is quoted as calling the Lord and his angels "Nazis of the air" - (7).

We can gather from his account and many other people's abduction stories that aliens usually do not prey on those who know Jesus. In fact, in an article from the Florida Today, we read of a non-religious man who was in the process of being "abducted" by aliens, but called out to Jesus, and the abduction stopped - (8). If they were extraterrestrial beings, why would they respond to that name? The answer may be found in this Bible verse:

"And these signs shall accompany those who believe: by using my name they shall cast out demons..." (Mark 16:17)

As I have said, these demons are merely posing as extraterrestrials - but they can't hide their demonic nature. There are many additional accounts of abductions just plain stopping after Jesus was mentioned, in the same way that demon possession can only end with Jesus' name being spoken. And what is just as fascinating is that in nearly every account of alien abduction, there is a definite lack of genuine faith in God among the abductees - there is no evidence of a faithful Christian having ever been abducted. So if alien abduction is just an updated version of the demonic possession of old, then it may be that aliens simply cannot abduct those who have true faith in Jesus Christ. For confirmation of this we can look to Romans 8:38-39, where we read that nothing in this world will be able to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ, not even the "principalities" and "powers" that are identified in Ephesians 6:12 as being the "rulers of the darkness of this world" (fallen angels and demons).

Another question, which arises from these findings, is, how could an abduction in a UFO even conceivably stop midway? It seems in all the cases where an abduction stopped that the abductee was immediately back in bed. Again, the explanation can be found if we are to equate aliens with demons.

When people are "kidnapped by aliens", it is usually just demons playing with their head - altering people's perceptions of their surroundings, and controlling what they see and even think. In the Bible, it says that Satan showed Jesus all the world's kingdoms "in a moment of time" (Luke 4:5), probably by controlling His perceptions in the same way that demons control the perceptions of their "abductees".

Also, some of the more fantastic details about alien abduction come from hypnotic regressions, which are not reliable sources of truth, because often times the hypnotists are New Agers who may have ulterior motives. Hypnotists have the power to control and alter a person's consciousness, sometimes making them "remember" things in a slightly different way than how things really happened. Consider the fact that many abductees have reported being taken, in a UFO, from their apartment in crowded cities such as New York. How could this be possible, without anyone else seeing the craft and reporting it? Yet hypnotic episodes are often used as the sole evidence that people have actually been taken aboard alien craft, even though many abduction researchers have admitted that these experiences are "almost completely psychological in origin" - (9).

What is undisputable, however, is that these abduction experiences are extremely traumatizing to the victims. This is for two reasons: the overwhelming power of the demons involved, and the lack of faith of the victim. Christ acknowledged just how powerful a demon-spirit could be over a person in Mark 9:29. And earlier in this account, He taught of how it is absolutely necessary that a person have faith in God before a demon can be cast out (Mark 9:23). This is exactly what we are seeing today.

I mentioned earlier how it would not make sense for beings of an extraterrestrial origin to leave their victims back in their homes after the abduction. The way I see it, if they are really that interested in doing tests and breeding with humans, why not just take them permanently? In fact, I have not read a single abduction report where a person actually describes being taken onto another planet. It seems that if the aliens really were from another world, they would be taking people there all the time. But that is not the case. I believe there is a good reason for this:

If we are to accept that aliens are the same as demons, then we also will accept that their realm is in another dimension of this very planet. They are allowed to move in and out of the different dimensions of earth, but there are certain things, which they cannot do. They simply cannot take other people into their dimension. Because demons are spiritual in nature, they can freely penetrate the barriers between our dimension and theirs. But we cannot. God has put up this barrier for a reason: to prevent demons from permanently stealing humans. While God does allow aliens to torment some people, he makes sure that they cannot be taken for good. And because of this fact, humans are never taken to the realm of the aliens. They are probably never even removed from their bedroom.

Now the aliens/demons will not torment just anyone. A person must in one-way or another, welcome that kind of evil into their lives. Satan cannot have access to a person's soul unless they in one way or another give him their free will consent. In some situations, a parent's involvement in the occult may cause a demonic spirit to torment their offspring; but often times, the person being possessed will have at one point in time given Satan his permission to send in demonic forces. While occult practices, such as witchcraft, or even the use of an Ouija board, are always easy ways to attract evil spirits, physical weakness plus a lack of faith has often brought on demonic possession.

Many trance inducing and mind-altering techniques used by New Agers have in the past also brought on alien abduction and demon possession. Some of these include New Age meditation, kundalini yoga, channeling, and visualization with the intent of astral projection, also known as the OBE (out of body experience). In fact, Robert A. Monroe, who has authored many of the modern astral projection techniques, has spoken of having problems with demons. You see, once your spirit leaves your body, demons are free to come and take your place. When you return, you may find that you must now share your body with evil spirits. In Mark 9:26-27, the demon-possessed boy actually died after his demon was cast out, suggesting that his body no longer contained his own spirit, but was completely controlled by a demon. Experimenting with New Age practices is the simplest way to give Satan permission to do as he pleases to you.

As I said earlier, physical weakness often will clue demons in to the fact that a person may be susceptible to them. You'll notice that the only time that Jesus' faith was questioned by evil was when he had been fasting for forty days and was most likely in a weakened state (Matt 4). All the other times, Satan knew he didn't have a chance to tempt him, so he didn't even try. This is exactly how demons operate; when you are broken down and failing physically, demons may prey on your weaknesses to try to turn you from good to evil. If you have doubts about God, they might bring those out and attempt to ruin your faith with them. Remember, we don't know exactly how these spirit beings operate, but we most certainly are at spiritual war with them (Eph 6:12). And because we are in the end times, it is crucial that we understand the point I am making: aliens and demons want to claim our soul for Satan! They want to keep us from the truth:

"In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." (2 Cor 4:4)

While that passage was speaking of those who don't believe, the forces of evil use these same techniques when they tempt us. Evil tries to keep the truth from us, because it knows that when we know the truth, they cannot touch us. It is only in our weakened state (a.k.a. our time of trial), when we are doubting the truth, that evil thinks it has a chance at succeeding. The only action they can take against us is to exploit our doubts, fears, or pride to make us disregard the truth. Now there are obvious measures that can be taken to overcome these weaknesses that are outlined for us in the Holy Scriptures, you just have to search a little. Truly, the best offensive we can take up against Satan is to build a strong defense on the Word and on prayer.

Getting back to the main issue, I want to take a moment to speak to those who recognize the similarities between aliens and demons, but still have an image in their minds that aliens as benevolent. My advice would be that every time you see or read about aliens, you mentally equate them with the demons that really they are. Do not let anyone fool you into thinking that they have any of our interests at heart. They are only interested in serving their master Satan. There is not one good demon, not one! In the same way, there is not one good alien. Even though they may appear to be from the light (2 Cor 11:14), they are most definitely beings of darkness. They rape, torture, and paralyze innocent humans for their own pleasure, and denounce the Lord our God whenever they can. They drive people to insanity and often to suicide. They rob people of their souls.

We do not have to buy into the mainstream view of aliens. In fact, we need to speak out against them whenever we can. Please visit this Anti-Alien website for details on one effective method of fighting back.

The pressure put on the saints in the end times by the forces of Satan will not only be the physical persecutions by the Antichrist, but also by spiritual warfare from his demons. The temptation to give in to the devil will be strong, as will be the delusion, so we need to fully realize and accept the true nature of these beings now. Please pray for those caught up in New Age/occultic practices, because they truly are under the power of Satan. Please pray that these people will find a release from their tormenters, which can only be found in Jesus Christ. And finally, pray that God will help you work this new knowledge of aliens and demons fully into your own understanding of the world. Peace be with you.

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all squares are quadrilaterals
not all quadrilaterals are squares

if aliens are demons
demons are not nessisarily aliens

Why would angels decieve? Its not really a good guy trait.

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[quote name='Delivery Boy']Now we all know what we see when we see UFOs[/quote]

No we don't. That's why they are called [b]unidentified[/b] flying objects.

[quote]but what are they really[/quote]

Probably a flock of geese.

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Hardly a flock of geese flying at 2AM playing tag in the night sky

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Hamlet, 1. 5

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Aren't we described as ailens since we are no longer a part of this world. We are in it, but not of it?

But ailens are things not of this world. Angels, demons, God, Satan,....

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Interesting idea, and one I also had when I was thinking about these things a lot. Though I think your title is a backwards -- it should be Aliens are Demons, maybe?

The reason I am very suspicious of "aliens" is because of the tremedous distances in interstellar space, and the limiting factor of the speed of light. Aliens would have to have unimaginably advanced technology to travel to earth, if it's even possible. I don't think it is, personally.

If they managed to overcome this very difficult distance problem, why are they so coy? What's with the blinky lights and weirdo abductions? Primarily, "aliens" seem to scare people, or inspire a sort of science-fictional religion.

I wonder if imagination or good guys would have that sort of overall negative effect?

I do believe there may be life out in the greater universe, but there's no way for it to reach here.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Apr 29 2005, 04:35 AM'] Did it ever occur to you aliens might be the "good guys"?
Angels? [/quote]
As Honour said, (good) angels do not deceive. Good angels proclaim the glory of the Lord Christ, and lead others to honor and follow Him. They would not pretend to be something they are not (people from another planet). Angels inspire a a powerful awe, not an unwholesome fear.
Angels don't perform anal probes and take sperm samples. ;)

Delivery boy has some interesting points. As I have said there is no evidence for aliens and I beleive abductions are a pyschological delusion, but delusions can also be caused or influenced by demons. - Particularly interesting in the light of how much UFO lore is tied in with New Age and occult beliefs.

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Jesus Freak

ummm...no comment? Ever noticed when you see video tapes of "alien spaceships" that the camera is too shaky for you to see anything?

yay :ph34r:

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There's a lot to be said about whoever wrote that. I just think that it's foolish to say that extraterrestrials are here to bring around the AntiChrist. I mean, if there were little green men on that moon Titan, and that lander landed there and everyone there on the planet thought that we were demons, it would cause mass chaos. And these "demon-aliens" have yet to actually [i]do[/i] any harm to us. I'm not gonna classify these "aliens" as demons...if there even are aliens.

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There are many antichrists. Revelation has happened is happening and will happen. Antichrist is more than one person. Nero was Antichrist. 666=Nero in the numerology used in Revelations.

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There are many antichrists. Revelation has happened is happening and will happen. Antichrist is more than one person. Nero was Antichrist. 666=Nero in the numerology used in Revelation.

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